Not 9 but 29 spiritual gifts. Do you know yours? By Larry Tomczak, CP Op-Ed Contributor for Christian Post
Your search for significance starts here!
Multitudes of Christians mistakenly believe there are only nine spiritual gifts. They are unaware of how important it is to discover, develop and deploy our God-given gifts to fulfill our destiny in life. For over 50 years I’ve been passionate about helping people fulfill their destiny, so allow me the privilege of doing it for you.
Scripture heralds that Jesus “handed out gifts above and below, filled heaven with his gifts, filled earth with his gifts …” (Eph. 4:10, The Message). Sadly, scores of Jesus’ followers live their entire lives not knowing the treasure they’ve been given.
Spurgeon, the “prince of preachers,” once visited an elderly lady in a poor house. The tiny room was pitifully furnished. As Spurgeon spoke with the woman, he noticed a framed piece of paper hanging on the wall with some writing on it. In response to his curiosity, the lady said it reminded her of an aged, invalid man she had nursed many years before. To show his appreciation for her loving care, the man scribbled a short note of thanks and signed it. He died shortly thereafter.
After much persuasion, Spurgeon received permission to borrow the paper. His hopes were confirmed when he brought the document to a nearby bank. “We’ve been wondering to whom the old gentleman left his money!” the bank officers exclaimed. An exorbitant sum had been sitting idle for years because the man had no heirs, and the bank had no record of the man’s will. Until now! The “thank you” note was actually the man’s last will and testament. The poor woman had been living in abject poverty for years, completely unaware of her vast wealth.