for Giza Death StarLast week I talked about the emergence of the biolabs in conjunction with the war in the Ukraine. One individual was so incensed that I dared give some credence to the Russian side of things as well as the Ukrainian, he basically berated me publicly (after having privately demanded that I answer him privately and explain myself for my offenses). During his public berating, as I recall, I was informed that the biolabs were explained simply as leftover Soviet labs, or something. The story itself, however, was released by Russian Lt. General Igor Kirilov, and is now being denied of course by the Ukraine and the USA:
As the story has gone back and forth between my public “berater” and the propotainment media who give the Russian version no credence, and the alternative media which does, I’m still noticing a number of – what for me at least – are “problems”. Consider the following:
Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Tuesday that the U.S. was aware of “biological research facilities” in Ukraine under questioning from Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida.
He asked her if Ukraine has chemical or biological weapons.
“Ukraine has biological research facilities,” Nuland replied, “which in fact we are quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces.”
She also said that if anyone were to deploy a chemical or biological attack in Ukraine, she “100%” believed it would be the Russians.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. has led an international effort to secure and dismantle leftover Soviet-era weapons of mass destruction, including in Ukraine. In August 2005, Washington and Kyiv agreed to cooperate to prevent the “proliferation of technology, pathogens and expertise that could be used in the development of biological weapons.”
Now, any way one slices it, “biological research facilities” in the hands of governments give me pause, particularly as a narrative seems to be being prepared that Russia will use chemical or biological weapons in the Ukraine, particularly after Victoria “F the EU” Nuland mentions this in the context of “those research materials” falling “into the hands of Russian forces.”