NATO Throws Down The Gauntlet To Putin By Announcing ‘Hundreds Of Thousands’ Of Alliance Troops Are Now On ‘Heightened Alert’ Over Ukraine

NATO Throws Down The Gauntlet To Putin By Announcing ‘Hundreds Of Thousands’ Of Alliance Troops Are Now On ‘Heightened Alert’ Over UkraineBy  for Now The End Begins

“NATO Defence Ministers will meet tomorrow at a defining moment for our security,” he said. “President Putin’s brutal invasion of Ukraine is causing death and destruction every day; it has shocked the world; and shaken the international order.” Secretary General Stoltenberg highlighted NATO’s long-standing partnership with Ukraine, and Allies’ strong support for Kyiv in the current crisis: “For many years, NATO Allies have trained tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops. Many of them are now fighting on the front lines. Allies have also provided significant quantities of critical equipment, including anti-tank and air defence weapons, drones, ammunition and fuel.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg previewed this week’s extraordinary meeting of NATO Defence Ministers in a press conference on Tuesday, March 15th 2022.

NATO took a giant step forward today in bringing the world closer to WWIII by announcing that hundreds of thousands of armed troops are at this moment on heightened alert, and ready at a moments notice to take on Russia over their invasion of Ukraine. How is Putin likely reacting to the news? By polishing his ‘button pushing’ finger, I would guess.

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Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.” Proverbs 20:18 (KJB)

The entire time that I have been observing the Ukraine invasion, a nagging thought at the back of my head keeps telling me that Putin is either insane and incompetent, or, he is drawing the whole world into a trap. How else do you explain the might of the Russian army, nearly ten times that of Ukraine’s, doing such poor job with seemingly untrained soldiers (maybe crisis actors?) who break down in tears when captured? Does any of this seem right to you? Well, NATO may just help us to answer that question sooner rather than later, their big meeting is tomorrow.

Secretary General previews extraordinary meeting of NATO Defence Ministers

FROM NATO: “NATO Defence Ministers will meet tomorrow at a defining moment for our security,” he said. “President Putin’s brutal invasion of Ukraine is causing death and destruction every day; it has shocked the world; and shaken the international order.”

Secretary General Stoltenberg highlighted NATO’s long-standing partnership with Ukraine, and Allies’ strong support for Kyiv in the current crisis:

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