Catherine Austin Fitts In Conversation With Karel van Wolferen– Reset In Ukraine (Audio / Video)

Catherine Austin Fitts In Conversation With Karel van Wolferen– Reset In Ukraine (Audio / Video) from Celia Farber  – SubStack

It cast an awakening spell on me right away—as if handed two sapphires— and I began to listen. I pulled over. I’d been “moving,” again, and feeling object-blindness.

I listened in a parking lot. I listened amidst bags and boxes—listened until the bath water grew cold. I was absolutely riveted.

The feeling I got was one of soul-liberation.

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From the slum, where history is aborted altogether and you vill be happy; From ignorance, muddled thinking, speed-oriented alt-media. From listening to people who are laying wow-puzzles with only a few chosen pieces, or are expressing hazy cynicism or hazy hopium, or maybe don’t know what they’re talking about at all. Freedom from nothing making sense.

With these two—it all falls into place.

On the summit point of Mt. Everest, in clean air, away from the polluting globalist propaganda and PSY-Ops forever clogging our perceptions. We can see for miles in all directions—understand what is vs. what seems to be, vs. what might be, vs what is definitely not.

When Fitts and Wolferen speak, their emotions are subjugated to their knowledge, not vice versa. This interview will help you clear out your Biden/Harris/Pelosi sonic PTSD. I guarantee it.

A few quotes:

”He [Putin] has taken on Davos! It’s the first challenge to Davos, World Economic Forum, Gates and the lot of them. Because of the sanctions, he has created a new geo-economic system.”

“The European Union has turned out to be a monster. Really a terrible thing. The European Union may well be the most dangerous thing for Europe ever, if this thing continues.”

The WHO is going to be the sole authority over all the member states of the UN…This means that Bill Gates has become the world’s great authority over everybody! That us the design. It’s beyond belief!”

“Russia is the first challenge to all this! This is the first challenge to Davos! The first real challenge.

CAF: See, your framework is much more optimistic than mine, so I want to stay with your framework.”

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