Senate Unanimously Approves Bill to Make Daylight Savings Time Permanent

Senate Unanimously Approves Bill to Make Daylight Savings Time Permanent By Cristina Laila  for The Gateway Pundit

GNN Note – You mean the Senate is going to do something for the American people that doesn’t involve giving us our funds back, repairing our roads with the funds they already stole or stopping the 21% pay raise they just handed to themselves? Shocker!! What nice, caring people those Senators!! / END

The US Senate on Tuesday unanimously approved the “Sunshine Protection Act” – a bill that would make daylight savings time permanent starting in 2023.

The “Sunshine Protection Act,” will now head to the House of Representatives.

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If the House passes the bill, it will be sent to Biden’s desk for a signature.

The Hill reported:

The Senate on Tuesday approved a proposal to make daylight saving time permanent, which if passed in the House and signed by President Biden, would mean Americans would never again have to set their clocks back an hour and lose an hour of afternoon daylight in the fall and winter.

If enacted into law, it would also mean that early risers lose an hour of daylight in the mornings in November, December, January and February.

In New York, for example, under current law the sun will rise at 7:15 a.m. on Dec. 21, the shortest day of the year. If the Sunshine Protection Act becomes law, New Yorkers won’t see the sun rise until 8:15 a.m. that day.

On the other hand, instead of the sun setting at 4:31 p.m. in late December, it will set at 5:31 pm — giving people a little more daylight to enjoy in the afternoon.

Not everyone supports the Sunshine Protection Act.

While many believe it will help reduce seasonal depression, others argue it isn’t safe for children.

“The National Association of Convenience Stores opposes the change, telling Congress this month “we should not have kids going to school in the dark.”” Reuters reported.

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