Have We Seen the Last Shaking of America? – Jonathan Cahn for Charisma News
New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn’s bookThe Harbinger II: The Return revealed the ancient template behind the turbulent events that rocked the world in 2020 and which continue to shake the institutions, governmental structures and social norms Americans took for granted.
Now, as America struggles to return back to what many consider “normal,” Cahn —author of The Harbinger, The Harbinger II—The Return, The Oracle, The Book of Mysteries and other critically acclaimed books—is set to unveil The Harbingers of Things to Come. This riveting feature documentary based on Jonathan Cahn’s bestselling and brilliant successes with The Harbinger series reveals the ancient mysteries that lie behind what is happening in America and the world today—and in the future.
In the groundbreaking documentary, Cahn opens an ancient template that begins in the writings of the prophet Isaiah and is repeated throughout the Bible. The span of years revealed in the template is that of 19 years from the time of an enemy attack on the land to the coming of greater shakings. In the case of America, the enemy attack came on Sept. 11, 2001. Starting from 9/11, the mystery points to the year 2020 as the 19th year, and the year that shakings will come to America. Cahn uses the template of ancient prophecies to reveal the meaning and timing of current events as well as to provide a glimpse and warning of things yet to come.
The Harbingers of Things to Come reveals mysteries such as this one as well as other ancient secrets that point to more great shakings of America.
In theaters across America on Thursday, May 12, 2022, through Fathom Events. Cahn takes audiences on an epic journey from the shores of New England to the steps of the Supreme Court; from a boat on the Hudson River all the way to the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, to explore the ancient mysteries that are impacting modern-day America.
One thing is certain: Audiences will never see the world the same way again.
With the release of The Harbinger II: The Return in September 2020, multitudes of new fans have embraced Jonathan Cahn’s compelling messages and prophecies, in addition to the millions that are already heeding the warnings and prophecies outlined in his previous books over the past decade.
The author has made multiple media appearances, including on CBN’s 700 Club, TBN’s Praise and Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson.