The Natural Blood Pressure ‘Medicine’ Your Doctor Hasn’t Told You About by: Amy O’Donnell for Off The Grid News
If you’ve been told that you have “high blood pressure,” aka, “hypertension,” you’re not alone. The CDC says that more than 75 million people in the U.S. alone have it. There are many reasons why you may have it, and most allopathic doctors will automatically write a prescription to lower your blood pressure. But do you really want a prescription, with side effects? Or worse, another one?
Blood pressure is the force exerted on the blood vessels when the heart pumps blood throughout your system. Pressure goes up and down all day, depending on your activity. But when it stays up, it’s “high.” The CDC considers pressure that’s 120/80 to be “pre-hypertension.” The first number, “systolic,” is over 120 bpm, and the second number, or “diastolic,” is over 80 bpm.
Hypertension has no obvious symptoms, so monitoring blood pressure is important. It’s called the “silent killer,” because there is no warning. Hypertension can cause chest pain and decrease blood flow to the heart, causing heart attacks and heart failure. Strokes and chronic kidney disease are also a risk. You may not know about it until it’s too late.
So, What Can You Do?
Lifestyle changes, like quitting smoking, reducing caffeine intake, eating better and exercising are a good start, but might not be enough. In that scenario, you’ll likely be told that a prescription is your only solution.
Patients spend an average of $733 yearly on blood pressure medications to lower blood pressure, totaling over $42 billion. Magnesium, a mineral, is readily available at drug stores, health food stores and even some big box stores (Walmart, Target.) Magnesium is also in nuts, seeds, greens and whole grains. If you don’t eat enough of these foods, supplementation is easy.
Why Magnesium?
Heart attack patients receive a high dose of magnesium in the ER, because the heart can’t function well without it. Hypertension is one of many symptoms of magnesium deficiency, along with cardiac arrhythmia, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and sudden cardiac death. Proper levels of magnesium relax the smooth muscle tissue in your blood vessels, allowing freer blood flow and keeping your blood pressure normal.