Sandy B – AA Speaker (Video)

Sandy B – AA Speaker Video

GNN Note – Sandy Beach is one of the best. Even after CD’s had taken over the market completely I had a set of his talks on cassette. Listened to them on many occasions. Wonderful speaker, deep, meaningful relationship with the Lord and knows AA history. All aspects firing together! You should give this a listen even if your not a friend of Bill’s. / END

Sometimes in an AA meeting, or with some speakers, you hear talk of the spiritual “side” of the AA program. Sandy B., in this talk, shares how the ENTIRE program is spiritual and how deep and powerful it is. Overcoming obstacles, great and small, AA makes it possible to live in the world with peace and serenity. We meet our challenges, celebrate our triumphs, and carry the message of hope to the still suffering in AA. The whole thing is a spiritual action! There is no speaker better to cover this topic and Sandy does it in the most eloquent manner I have ever heard!

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