How To Build A Fallout Shelter In Your Own Home, And On A Budget To Boot!

How To Build A Fallout Shelter In Your Own Home, And On A Budget To Boot! By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline

According to this new story over at Zero Hedge, “Switzerland Is Prepared For The Big One”.

With Switzerland, much unlike here in America, featuring a nuclear fallout shelter for all 9 million of its residents, with the country quite literally preparing for nuclear war for decades and all Swiss residents being taught exactly what they’re expected to do in case of one, that ‘bunkers for all‘ survival strategy could pay off handsomely with what the world faces today. Though the American people will  be left to fend for ourselves once nuclear war breaks out, while our politicians escape to their bunkers.

And with the current talk of nuclear war, and the shortages and inflation we’re already witnessing, getting anyone paying attention to ‘prepare‘, everything now happening is also causing the demand for ‘doomsday bunkers‘ to go through the roof as reported in this recent Daily Mail story.

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Though one thing the mainstream media talking heads avoid reporting on as they push us towards World War III, a war that would surely be ‘nuclear‘, is the fact that Russia also has built doomsday shelters for more than 40 million people, including the entire population of the city of Moscow, as was also reported in this 2017 New York Post story.

With this July of 2018 National Interest story reporting back then that Russia was prepared for World War III and a nuclear apocalypse, while this 2017 story over at The Daily Beast also reported Russia was ready for a US nuclear strike upon them, just check out these story titles, all of them from within the last few weeks alone from the ‘controlled’ media.:

March 12th via the NY Times: “Pandemic Fears Give Way to a Rush for Bomb Shelters Since Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, European anxiety has shifted from Covid to nuclear annihilation – Bunkers, survival guides and iodine pills are flying off the shelves.”

March 4th  via The US Sun: “READY FOR NUKE ARMAGEDDON Inside ‘doomsday bunkers’ designed by US government to withstand nuclear apocalypse & restart America in case of wipeout.”

March 3rd via The Philadelphia Enquirer: “WWIII has already started in Ukraine. Europe and the U.S. should wake up.

March 2nd via The Daily Mail: “Demand for doomsday bunkers in the UK soars after Putin’s nuclear threats against the West: London-based firm reports 100% surge in interest for its ‘£1million’ survival shelters after Ukraine invasion.”

March 1st via The Daily Mail: “Business is booming… for doomsday bunkers! Texas-based company claims sales have spiked ‘1000%’ for units ranging from $40,000 to $8.5M after Russia invaded Ukraine.”

February 26th via Business Insider: “Manufacturers report a spike in demand for underground shelters since Russia invaded Ukraine, but an anthropologist who studies preppers says the real pros don’t do bunkers.”

So with the globalists now pushing nuclear war in our faces as things continue to heat up overseas in a war America should never get involved in and the American taxpayer should never spend a penny to fund, we’re going to take a long look in the next two sections of this ANP story at just how we can expediently build a nuclear fallout shelter within our own homes, and on a budget to boot, with the radioactive fallout from a nuclear blast in America something almost every American would eventually have to deal with.

Just his past Saturday, Steve Quayle had linked to a story on his website over at the Organic Prepper by Daisy Luther titled “This Nuclear Blast Simulator Lets You Put In ANY Address to See What Would Happen (Plus a List of Potential Targets)”, a story within which we not only see the most likely nuclear targets here in the US but can see what kind of damage a nuclear blast will do to any area in America.

With that story featuring this Nuclear Secrecy Nuke Map website which you can visit and program any zip code or city in America into it, adding in the hypothetical ‘type‘ of nuclear bomb and how the strike will be ‘delivered‘, we can see in the image above of such a hypothetical nuke attack on Washington DC how many immediate fatalities and injuries there would be, and just how far the radiation fallout would spread with the entire North-Eastern seaboard being covered in radioactive fallout in such a scenario.

Showing why the fallout will be one of the most devastating things that people face if they’re not among those who are ‘vaporized‘ in the initial strike, we thankfully can turn parts of our homes into fallout shelters quite quickly if we’re prepared and we know exactly what to do and have the supplies to do so.

As this August of 2017 story over at titled “How to Build a Fallout Shelter in Your Home (on a Budget, to Boot)” reported, creating a fallout shelter can provide peace of mind at the very least. And who knows? It could turn out to be an actual lifesaver.

Reporting how easily it is to build a fallout shelter in our own homes, even if we don’t have a basement, as it also reports, our first job is to select the room(s) in our home where we’ll be building our shelter, with the best shelters being rooms that can be surrounded by at least 3′ of solid Earth, or other materials such as concrete or even sand bags, lead, bricks, containers filled with water or any other heavy materials. Basically, “the more material you can place between yourself and the rays, the better protected you will be.” From that 2017 story.: 

Where to go in the event of a nuclear blast 

The key to staying safe during a nuclear attack is to place material capable of blocking gamma rays between you and the blast. If you live in a home with an underground basement, you’re in luck—at least 3 feet of solid packed earth offers sufficient protection. 

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