Biological Research Facilities In Ukraine Confirmed By US Government Talking Head: Just How Real Is The Global Eugenicists ‘Depopulation Agenda’ By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline
While all of the so-called ‘fact checkers‘ have been calling reports of US bioweapons labs in Ukraine either a ‘Russian disinformation campaign’ or ‘conspiracy theories’, you’ve absolutely got to listen to the ‘Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs of the United States‘, Victoria Nuland, in the video we’ve embedded directly below.
Claiming, quite anxiously, within the video that the US is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities in Ukraine from falling into the hands of Russians, what have the globalists been ‘cooking up‘ behind the scenes in Ukraine labs that Nuland is obviously very concerned about ‘falling into the wrong hands‘?
With Nuland’s remarks, and the very strange tone of her comments, hinting that indeed, the so-called ‘conspiracy theories‘ and ‘Russian disinformation‘ were instead correct all along, and that somewhere hidden in the nooks and crannies of Ukraine, the latest ‘depopulation bioweapons‘ were indeed being ‘manufactured‘ by those who want us all dead, just listen to the tone in Nuland’s voice, and just how carefully she chooses her words, as if she’s wading a minefield of her own employers creation.
As we’ll be exploring within the rest of this ANP story and as we hear in the 1st video at the very bottom of this story from the Reese Report titled “Russians Capture All The Proof Needed That The Pentagram Funded The Building Of At Least A Dozen Highest Tech BioWEAPONS Labs Of DEATH In Ukraine”, it sure appears that both China and Russia have been correct in their recent statements that Ukraine had many bioweapons labs, concocting exactly who knows what, and funded by the American taxpayer.
And with all of this coming directly on top of a ‘pandemic‘ which was also caused by a bioweapon if we are to believe Dr. Francis Boyle, the author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, who had told All News Pipeline in an interview all the way back in February of 2020 that COVID itself was ‘engineered‘ and that ‘the nazi-death science biological warfare work going on must be stopped‘, we’re getting more and more proof just how real the global eugenicists ‘depopulation agenda‘ is.
Carved into stone on the Georgia Guidestones in 8 different languages, showing how this is a ‘global project‘, including Arabic, Chinese, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili, with tenant #1 being ‘Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature‘, that principal sounds great at first, until you realize to reach a global population of ‘under 500 million‘, more than 7 billion ‘have to go‘.
And with the exact name of the group/person who created this monstrosity still unknown, adding to the mystery surrounding the the monument that stands at 19 feet 3 inches tall and weighing 237,746 pounds while consisting of 6 granite slabs, even the Wikipedia entry on the Georgia Guidestones references the beliefs of ‘conspiracy theorists‘ that it’s tied to ‘population control‘, eugenics, and ‘internationalism‘, aka, ‘globalism‘.
Yet how could people think otherwise when the ‘principals‘ engraved into the granite speak of the need for ‘maintaining‘ a global population of 500 million, written in languages from all over the world? With that word ‘maintaining‘ meaning: a) ‘to cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue’ or b) ‘to provide with necessities for life or existence‘ hinting at forthcoming genocide and/or a catastrophic, end times event, it also suggests a ‘completely controlled‘ population in the future.