Top 7 diseases and disorders for which Allopathic medicine PRETENDS there is no prevention or cure

Top 7 diseases and disorders for which Allopathic medicine PRETENDS there is no prevention or cure By  for Natural Medicine

The most common diseases and disorders we Americans know today are completely preventable, and should you or a loved one “acquire” them, they are curable. This is information hardly any medical doctors want anyone to understand, and Google (or WebMD) certainly won’t allow you to find the remedies. The key to allopathic “medicine” is to only treat symptoms of health problems, and never the root cause. This keeps clients for life in the system, paying an arm and a leg (sometimes literally) for healthcare, whether they have medical coverage or not. Allopathic “sick-care” is all about toxic prescription pharmaceuticals, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy (prescribe, cut and burn).

Allopathic care is a “dirty well” of contaminated care

There is no simple cure for compound health problems, but that doesn’t mean it’s so complicated either. It’s not only about what NOT to eat, but also about what NOT to put on your skin, what NOT to clean your home with, and what NOT to “medicate” with when symptoms of sickness first begin showing up. Most Americans panic and have expensive diagnostic tests run, and that just leads them down the allopathic sick care path, where even 2nd and 3rd opinions come from the same dirty well.

After all, symptoms are signs you’re “doing it wrong.” Doctors are too quick to cover up the signs with pain meds, antihistamines, antibiotics (that kill good gut bacteria) and surgery that removes organs they say you don’t need, but you do. Think about it, if a warning sign comes on the dashboard in your vehicle, you don’t cover it up or cut the wire to the warning indicator and expect the issue to go away, do you? What if you have low tire pressure, what’s next, a blowout that causes a horrible wreck? What if you’re low on gas, what’s next, a breakdown on a lonely road where you get mugged and beaten?

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Don’t cover up the warning signs, solve the problem. Find the root cause and address it, and you can avoid and eliminate many of the PREVENTABLE diseases and disorders so common to Americans today.

Top 7 diseases and disorders most people can prevent and cure, despite what the MD’s and oncologists claim

#1. Covid

#2. Cancer

#3. Obesity

#4. Depression

#5. Anxiety

#6. Diabetes II

#7. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) & other GI disorders

Indigenous remedies from all over the world can save you from the allopathic plight and blight

Cannabidiol (CBD) is also known as the “ultimate preventative medicine” and “the miracle herb.” Often referred to as “the forbidden medicine,” CBD is a medical wonder, having anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, including the support of mitochondrial function at the cellular level.

Did you know that oil of oregano is loaded with antioxidants that annihilate the free radicals that cause cancer? One of the most potent remedies in the world, oregano oil beats down viruses and knocks back allergies to pollen.

Do you keep chlorella on hand? If you’re stressed about keeping your blood sugar levels in a healthy range, a clinical study proved that superfood chlorella helps maintain healthy blood sugar metabolism, even at the genetic level. Be sure to buy organic chlorella (but not from China, because it’s contaminated with heavy metals).

Do you use aloe? The aloe plant has been used for thousands of years to heal all kinds of health conditions, including wounds, burns, skin irritations, sunburn and even constipation. Grown in mostly tropical locations, this succulent plant has more than 300 species with over 75 nutrients in the gel, including vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3 (niacin), B6, choline, folic acid, alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene.

Garlic cloves are a key natural remedy for a whole laundry list of ailments. Garlic contains a compound called allicin that’s a potent medicine that was used by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Chinese to combat sicknesses, including the common cold.

Got IBS? Licorice root is a Chinese herbal remedy used in over 5,000 formulas for clinical purposes, including in aiding digestion.

GI (gastrointestinal) disorders are often caused by consumption of pesticide-laden food, like GMOs, conventional produce and processed junk science “food stuff.” Covering up the symptoms leads to much bigger health problems, like ulcers, diverticulitis, Crohn’s, acid reflux and the list goes on.

Here are some other helpful tips for changing your daily food and beverage regimen so you too can prevent and heal those Americanized diseases and disorders.

-Stop eating anything GMO

-Stop drinking tap water (contains fluoride)

-Avoid vaccines

-Avoid dairy (and most meat)

-Never eat artificial sweeteners (sucralose fuels IBS, and aspartame fuels anxiety)

-Avoid all processed foods and high fructose corn syrup

-Avoid seed oils as much as possible

Stay tuned to find out more about diseases and disorders that Allopathic medicine pretends there’s no prevention or cure for, and tune your internet to for huge swaths of truth news being censored as you read this.

Learn More – Natural Medicine >>>

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