Corn and soybean farmer warns Americans that average grocery bill could increase by $1,000 per month

Corn and soybean farmer warns Americans that average grocery bill could increase by $1,000 per month By  for

Tucker Carlson of Fox News interviewed a farmer during a recent broadcast who said that grocery prices will only continue to soar over the coming months, possibly increasing by $1,000 per month for a typical US family.

Instead of talking about how many decades of Wall Street corruption and central bank fiat-printing shenanigans ultimately brought us to this point, the farmer instead blamed the Russian invasion of Ukraine as well as fake “president” Joe Biden’s failed economic policies.

While the latter two points have certainly contributed to the problem, the root of the problem has to do with the entire structure of the global monetary system and the financial terrorists who have been abusing it ever since central banking became a thing.

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Nevertheless, all eyes are on Eastern Europe right now, and truth be told, there are things happening that seem to be pushing the global economic system to the brink of collapse.

Russia has halted all fertilizer exports, as one example. Ukraine, one of Europe’s “breadbasket” countries, has also stopped exporting grain. And inflation, which was already rising before the war, is continuing its upward trajectory.

According to reports, the war in Ukraine “is set to put a major crimp in the ability of American farmers to import the nutrients they need just as the planting season approaches.”

“Soaring fertilizer prices are likely to bring spiked food prices,” says Ben Riensche, the owner of Blue Diamond Farming Company in Iowa.

“If you’re upset that gas is up a dollar or two a gallon, wait until your grocery bill is up $1,000 a month, and it might not just manifest itself in terms of price. It could be quantity as well. Empty-shelf syndrome may be starting.”

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Riensche, who farms 16,000 acres in Iowa, further told Carlson that sanctions will have a far-reaching impact on the price of food moving forward. Already, the costs to grow his crops have spiked 40 percent due to the cost of nitrogen being three times higher than last year.

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer prices have also doubled, he further explained.

“The planting season in the northern hemisphere is just weeks away,” Riensche explained soberly, adding that these skyrocketing production costs cannot be changed in the near term and will likely persist for some time.

“There is no miracle technology that can cut that in half or a third. It’s a pretty fixed formula. For me to grow an acre of corn on my farm, I need 200 pounds of nitrogen, 200 pounds of phosphorus, and 100 pounds of potash. We just – it’s going to be hard how this plays out. Will farmers switch to other crops that produce less? We’re certainly not going to literally pour on the groceries to grow this crop.”

Since inflation really started to take off during the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, we were repeatedly told by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell that inflation is merely “transitory” and will go away soon. It turns out that this was false.

China Joe’s anti-fossil fuel policies, which are embraced by the Democrat Party as a whole, are only exacerbating the problem by making fuel costs increasingly more expensive.

“What’s really affecting us are things that could have been prevented,” Riensche says. “The ESG things (environmental, social, and governance policies). This could kind of be described as the food crisis of the Green New Deal.”

Biden’s energy policies, Riensche maintains, have made the United States more dependent on foreign energy, with “energy plants that have been decommissioned from other power sources and transitioned to natural gas, and thus competing against the fertilizer input stocks, Wall Street taking an activist investor role with strategic plant closures.”

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