HOW TO HAVE HONEST ELECTIONS by Michael Rivero for What Really Happened

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” — Joseph Stalin

Following the Florida election debacle of 2000, Americans were promised a more honest, transparent, and verifiable system of elections. We didn’t get it, because the election stealers won that election and decided that keeping the current system was their best guarantee of re-election.

The election of 2016 changed that. The candidate being cheated by the system, Donald Trump, still prevailed thanks to a landslide that overcame the vote rigging. He will see having an honest election system as his best chance for a second term. Hence, there is a real opportunity to throw out the current system, whch is designed to enable and conceal stealing elections, and replace it with a system that hinders cheating as much as possible.

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To begin, stolen elections are a reality in this nation. John F. Kennedy stole the 1960 election from Richard Nixon. Nixon stole his re-election in what became known as the Watergate scandal. George W. Bush likely stole the 2000 election from Al Gore, and everyone had a ring-side seat watching Hillary Clinton trying to steal the election from Donald Trump.

A good place to start to learn about election stealing is the HBO documentary, “Hacking Democracy.” It is available on NetFlix, Amazon Live, and Hulu. Here is a YouTube video of the final scenes showing how an electronic voting machine has the election results changed without even needing to touch the machine!

For more information, please visit, the website operated by Bev Harris, who is featured in the HBO documentary.

Now then, I wish to offer a suggestion for a very simple way to have a more open and honest election system. It is not 100% foolproof, but is designed to make it very difficult for cheating to happen and difficult to conceal it. This stands in sharp contrast to the current system, which is designed to facilitate and conceal the manipulation of elections.

The neccessity to overhaul our system goes beyond restoring Democracy in the United States. The 2016 election debacle has wrecked America’s image around the world. Restoration of honest elections will be the first step on the very long road back to being respected by other nations.

First, some basic rules.

1. No electronic machines!

2. No central tabulation centers!

Everyone who votes must have ID to prove they are a US citizen and eligable to vote. Absentee ballots are only given to those who can prove they are unable to vote in person.

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