Fear Of World War 3 Is Causing Survivalists To Feverishly Prepare For Nuclear Conflict And ‘The End Of The World’

Fear Of World War 3 Is Causing Survivalists To Feverishly Prepare For Nuclear Conflict And ‘The End Of The World’ by  for End of the American Dream

Has nuclear war been on your mind lately?  If so, you are definitely not alone.  According to Google, searches for “nuclear war” spiked to the highest level in the entire history of their search engine after the Russians invaded Ukraine.  Many believe that this invasion marked the beginning of World War 3, and I find it quite interesting that this came exactly two days after 2/22/22.  Until this happened, nuclear war wasn’t something that most people in the western world thought much about, but now everything has changed.  All of a sudden millions upon millions of people are deeply alarmed about the possibility of a nuclear conflict.  And the other day I was quite stunned to learn that one research company in Canada is actually projecting that there is a “10% chance of a civilization-ending global nuclear war over the next 12 months”

If Vladimir Putin comes to the conclusion that he has no future he may well decide nobody else should have a future either, BCA Research says.

“Although there is a huge margin of error around any estimate, subjectively, we would assign an uncomfortably high 10% chance of a civilization-ending global nuclear war over the next 12 months,” the Montreal-based independent research provider wrote in a note.

Fear of a nuclear war has sparked a global run on iodine pills, it has resulted in an explosion of YouTube videos instructing people how to survive a nuclear blast, and it has caused a tenfold increase in traffic to a website called NUKEMAP.

On NUKEMAP, it will tell you if your home will be destroyed if a nuclear weapon is detonated at a specific location.

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I was curious, and so I went to the site and had it simulate what would happen if the largest nuclear bomb ever created exploded in a large city a few hours from my home.

I hit the red “detonate” button, and I was glad to see that me and my family would be spared.

In this day and age, this is what we do.  When we are anxious about something, we turn to the Internet for answers

Since Russian dictator Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine last week and put his nuclear deterrent forces on “high alert”, the subreddit r/preppers has been inundated with “Questions from New Preppers.” On Facebook, people are reaching out to groups like “Prepping for Beginners” or “Doomsday Preppers Worldwide” with questions about what food to stock up on, how to make sure they have a supply of drinking water, and so on.

“New here. I’m wondering if anyone has ideas for covering basement windows to help with fallout radiation,” reads one comment on Doomsday Preppers Worldwide. “Our basement is going to be our safest place if anything were to happen, but the windows worry me.”

As I noted above, concern about nuclear fallout has caused a tremendous worldwide surge in demand for iodine pills.

According to Fox News, this has particularly been true in Europe…

Consumers in Central Europe are clearing out pharmacies of iodine pills to protect against radiation after Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine and made veiled nuclear threats.

In Bulgaria, pharmacies actually sold as much iodine in one week as they normally do in an entire year

“In the past six days Bulgarian pharmacies have sold as much [iodine] as they sell for a year,” said Nikolay Kostov, chair of the Pharmacies Union. “Some pharmacies are already out of stock. We have ordered new quantities, but I am afraid they will not last very long.”

I can’t remember a time when we have ever seen anything quite like this.

In Belgium, one person reportedly couldn’t find any iodine pills even after visiting five different pharmacies

Across the world—but especially in Europe–people are stocking up on iodine tablets, believed to protect from radiation poisoning. Finland has reported a strong increase in the sale of potassium iodine pills, and nearly 30,000 Belgians rushed to the pharmacy to get free tablets offered by the government. At the time of this writing on Amazon, if you type in “IO”, it will autofill to “iodine tablets for radiation.”

“I know this sounds like absolutely surreal, crazy stuff, but there is a real sense of fear and we need to prepare,” a Brussels woman who stocked up on the pills told the Globe and Mail. “My friend went to five pharmacies to find the pills, couldn’t, and went on a waiting list for them.”

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