‘Strange Things Are Happening’: Pastor Reveals Ukrainian Soldiers’ Reports of Supernatural Events

‘Strange Things Are Happening’: Pastor Reveals Ukrainian Soldiers’ Reports of Supernatural Events by ALL ISRAEL NEWS STAFF for Charisma News

Ukrainian brothers and sisters in the faith are very encouraged and strengthened by the knowledge that believers around the world are praying diligently and fervently for them.

That is what an American-Israeli pastor told us in an exclusive interview with All Israel News. The pastor, who asked to remain anonymous, lived in Belarus for 12 years and continues to serve there. He said his Ukrainian friends strongly believe God is answering the prayers of evangelical Christians around the world on their behalf.

“And not only are they encouraged by that, but they’re getting reports from quite a number of soldiers that are saying strange things are happening,” he said.

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“They’re saying, ‘We’re seeing things at night that we don’t normally see that save us,'” he said. “‘It seems like sometimes bullets are just passing us by, instead of hitting us’ and things like this.”

Those he spoke with are in shock, with one congregation leader telling him he feels like “he is dreaming” and that “it’s not really happening.”

The Lord led that same leader to open Psalm 25 (NIV), where it is written, “I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause.”

“When we go through these hard times, then we reap joy and something good,” said the pastor, adding that they had received a prophecy back in the fall that “there was going to be a hard time coming to Ukraine.”

“And then, afterwards, it was going to be one of the best times … it’s going to be one of the best times for Ukraine. And I understood that probably meant, you know, a great move of God’s Spirit.”

The brothers and sisters in neighboring Belarus are also very much “in shock and dismayed that their territory is being used for an invasion of a friendly nation,” explained the pastor. He said believers in Belarus and in Ukraine constantly intermingle and support one another.

“They’re totally in shock that their territory is being used as an invading ground,” he said, referring to his contacts in Belarus.

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