As Current Events Continue To Devastate Our Food Supply Chain, Biblical Warnings Of Famine, Starvation, Food Production And Food Storage Apply

As Current Events Continue To Devastate Our Food Supply Chain, Biblical Warnings Of Famine, Starvation, Food Production And Food Storage Apply By Alan Barton – All News PipeLine

– The Democrats ‘America Last Policy’ Is Quickly Turn America Into Dead Last At Everything

Genesis 41 (KJV) verses one through seven speak of dreams that Pharaoh had concerning seven years of plenty and seven years of famine and in the following verses Joseph interprets them for him as he did not understand the meaning of dreams that he knew was very important.  And Josephs interpretation given to him by Gods revelation was “(29) Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt: (30) And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land”.  It was only because Pharaoh obeyed Joseph’s instructions to build grain silos and the like to last for seven years that Egypt did not starve, and in fact supplied food to more than just their own peoples.  There are numerous other famines mentioned in the Bible and in one manner or the other it appears that they all were because of a lack of obedience to God’s laws.  There are those that take those lessons seriously and prepare, while there are also those that ignore the warnings and die.  We have been warned by modern religious leaders and governments to have at least some preparations for times of trouble, but more importantly there are many of us that have had our own dreams that we must prepare for a coming time of not just shortages, but a complete lack of resources to feed our families as well as keep them safe.  Some of the common recommended storage lengths of time are two weeks, three months, one year and even more.  Even more importantly, in the scriptures we are told that we will be visited by extreme famines in the last days, which are here now.  Revelation 6:8 and 18:8 are perhaps the most familiar warnings, but there is also Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8 and Luke 21:11 among others if you need more witness to our very near future.  And then there are modern day warnings.

The recent headlines that proclaim Russia will not be exporting ammonium nitrate fertilizer for at least another month might not seem all that bad unless you know that they produce about 2/3rd of the world’s nitrogen fertilizer.  The Russian news agency TASS said it is only a temporary measure, but are you willing to bet you and your families lives on it?  Russia puts its citizens first, while the last year the US has put us last on its list of priorities.  As Food Collapse dot com put it, “Russia’s leaders decided to prioritize their own country’s agriculture system first, and sell whatever is left over to the rest of the world.   In the United States, contrarily, a policy of America Last has been the standard for at least the past several decades, other than a slight blip, some would argue, during the Donald Trump years.

Globalist greed, in other words, is why America is fast becoming dead last at everything in the world, while countries like Russia rise to the top while putting their own people first.”  A loss of nitrogen fertilizers can drop crop production dramatically with some saying (depending on the crop and other factors) by up to half.  My own veggie garden has shown that it can be more than that.  Of course it does not help that the Weaver Fertilizer plant in North Carolina burned to the ground this month cancelling the effects that the new “world’s largest” nitrogen plant in Louisiana might produce.  This fertilizer is made from a number of resources with natural gas being a major one.  But what of the limited, finite natural resource fertilizers?

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For the last couple of decades there has been an increasing problem with obtaining Phosphate fertilizers and has been called a “crises” for a few years now, with the largest supplies being mined in places like China, Algeria, Syria among others, and all are politically unstable or very anti-American.  “Phosphate is an essential mineral for all life on Earth and is added to farmers’ fields in huge quantities. But rock phosphate is a finite resource and the biggest supplies are mined in politically unstable places, posing risks to the many countries that have little or no reserves…..  humanity could only produce half the food it does without phosphate and nitrogen” said The Guardian three years ago, and it can only get worse.

The World Economic Forum about a month ago said “Climate change will be sudden and cataclysmic. We need to act fast” from the recent Davos agenda meeting and came up with some of the most ridiculous bull effluent I have ever seen on global destruction if we did not follow their insane mandates, let alone what all of the other evil constructs they have come up with.  Major news sources around the world then used that catchphrase exactly in their articles on this supposed scare just as they were instructed to by their managers that went to Davos.  Please note that I am not going off script in mentioning that Vlad Putin said “conflicts are multiplying, and the situation “might develop unpredictably and uncontrollably if we sit on our hands and do nothing” and we are in an era “just like the 1930’s”.  He is not sitting on his hands and the loss of the massive breadbasket of Europe in the Ukraine farming industry as well as other world production is in danger.  War is hell on food production of all sorts and has been a major cause of famine and deaths by starvation all through history.  Don’t forget that the Great Reset as described by the Davos crowd also came up with the line “You will own nothing and you will be happy” and we must assume that also means food storage and any other preparedness items.

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