Proof that Natural Foods Threaten FDA & Pharmaceutical Companies – Walnuts Deemed ‘Drugs’

Proof that Natural Foods Threaten FDA & Pharmaceutical Companies – Walnuts Deemed ‘Drugs’ by Christina Sarich for Natural Society

Did you know that walnuts have been classified as ‘drugs’ by the US Food & Drug Administration, and that some companies have been accused of misbranding them, only to be subject to government “seizure or injunction.” That’s a little harsh, but why?

Diamond Foods, who sells walnuts, was forced to remove certain statements about the healing properties of walnuts from their website because of the FDA’s interference. (You can see the warning letter Diamond Foods received from the FDA, here.) So – while the FDA promotes GMOs, vaccines, pharmaceutical meds that actually hurt people, chemotherapy, and radiation, they have a big problem with walnuts?

It is more likely that Big Pharma is intimidated by these small packages of healing power – that cost only about $3 a pound in some places. Is this why the FDA has censored information on walnuts?

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There are over 57 different ways that walnuts promote overall health – but here are just a few concerning heart-health for your perusal:

Walnut Consumption Reduces Heart Disease Risks

Though walnuts are high in fat (they are healthful, beneficial  fats) numerous studies have shown that eating nuts reduces the chance of having a heart attack by eliminating blood clots.

Walnuts also provide a unique blend of polyunsaturated fatty acids (including omega-3s), along with nutrients like gamma-tocopherol which have demonstrated heart health benefits. The New England Journal of Medicine published the first clinical study showing significant reductions in LDLand improvement in the lipoprotein profile in response to moderate consumption of walnuts.

Additional studies have shown that walnuts improve endothelial function in ways that are independent of cholesterol reduction. Walnuts are so powerful that they help endothelial functioning by 64% when substituted for other fats in a person’s diet. Much of the underlying cause for heart disease is atherosclerosis, a progressive endothelial dysfunction in the body.

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