The Countdown To Nuclear War Has Begun

The Countdown To Nuclear War Has Begun by  for End of the American Dream

Way too many people out there are treating the war between Russia and Ukraine as a form of entertainment.  Here in the western world, we like to make a game out of almost everything, but this isn’t a game.  When Russia invaded Ukraine, it marked the start of World War 3, and it also initiated the countdown to nuclear war.  What we should be rooting for is an end to the shooting in Ukraine and for governments on both sides of the conflict to do all they can to de-escalate the situation.  But instead, each new day brings more escalations.  For example, on Sunday EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell announced that EU nations would be providing fighter jets directly to the Ukrainian military…

European Union countries will soon send fighter jets to Ukraine at the Kyiv government’s request to help it counter the Russian air and land assault, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Sunday, according to the AFP news service.

“We’re going to provide even fighting jets. We’re not talking about just ammunition. We are providing more important arms to go to a war,” Borrell said at a news conference.

This is the first time in history that the EU has ever done anything like this.

And apparently it was supposed to happen very rapidly.  In fact, one EU official said that some of these fighter jets would be flying in the skies of Ukraine “within the hour”

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The military transfer appeared imminent, according to Alexandre Krauss, a senior advisor to the EU Parliament.

“Flying in #Ukraine skies within the hour,” Krauss tweeted at 3:38 p.m. ET, citing Borrell’s announcement.

I don’t know how those fighter jets are possibly going to do any good, because the Russians have already attacked and disabled all of the major military airfields held by Ukraine.

In addition, a lot of Ukraine’s trained military pilots are already dead.

So who is going to fly those fighters?

Will European nations be supplying the pilots as well?

If so, that would mean that Europeans would be engaged in direct conflict with the Russians, and that would be a massive escalation.

In any event, Vladimir Putin has pledged that anyone that supplies military equipment to Ukraine will be targeted.

Is Putin bluffing?


But of course many had assumed that he was bluffing about invading Ukraine as well.

On Sunday, we also learned that Putin has now put his strategic nuclear arsenal on high alert

In a dramatic escalation of East-West tensions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian nuclear deterrent forces put on alert Sunday in response to what he called “aggressive statements” by leading NATO powers.

The move means Putin has ordered Russia’s nuclear weapons prepared for increased readiness to launch, raising the threat that the tensions could boil over into a nuclear war. In giving it, the Russian leader also cited hard-hitting financial sanctions imposed by the West against Russia, including Putin himself.

Obviously, Putin did this to send a message to the U.S. and other western powers.

But this is a massive escalation as well.

Threatening to use nuclear weapons against somebody else is something that should not be done.

When she was asked about Putin’s move, this is how White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki responded

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to put Russia’s deterrence forces, which includes nuclear arms, on high alert are part of a wider pattern of unprovoked escalation and “manufactured threats” from the Kremlin.

“This is really a pattern that we’ve seen from President Putin through the course of this conflict, which is manufacturing threats that don’t exist in order to justify further aggression — and the global community and the American people should look at it through that prism,” Psaki told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on “This Week.”

Additionally, a senior administration official told CNN on Sunday that Putin’s move was “yet another escalatory and totally unnecessary step,” a senior administration official said Sunday.

This is the closest that we have been to nuclear war in decades.

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