5 Fatal Foods Americans Eat Every Single Day

5 Fatal Foods Americans Eat Every Single Day by: Robin Marri Miller for Off The Grid News

Many people falsely believe they are eating a healthy diet. How can you blame them when we’re constantly bombarded with such misleading labels as “sugar-free,” “organic” and even “all-natural”?

It’s time to take a stand against false advertising and unhealthy foods — and learn what is truly healthy and what is not.

To help you, we have compiled a list of the most commonly misconceived healthy foods that are actually fatal to your health.

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Let’s examine foods you should never eat.

1. Foods with artificial sweeteners

The term “sugar-free” is one of the most misleading terms in the food industry. Yes, it’s a good thing to lower your sugar intake, but not when you are ingesting artificial sweeteners, such as saccharin and aspartame.

In fact, recent studies have found that saccharin and aspartame cause greater weight gain than sugar by stimulating your appetite and increasing your cravings for carbs.

Aspartame is the worst. It hides behind names such as Equal and NutraSweet. Aspartame accounts for 75 percent of adverse food reactions that are reported each year to the FDA, according to Mercola. Some of these responses include seizures, joint pain, rashes, insomnia, irritability, anxiety attacks and headaches.

2. Farm-raised fish

Farmed-raised fish, such as tilapia and Atlantic salmon, are advertised as being healthier than wild caught fish but, in fact, are worse because of environmental pollutants.

Researchers found that dioxin levels in farmed-raised salmon to be 11 times higher than in wild salmon. Dioxins are highly toxic compounds that can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer.

Persistent organic pollutants, or POP, also are found in farmed-raised fish. Persistent organic pollutants are toxic chemicals that negatively affect human health and the environment.

3. Microwave popcorn

Microwave popcorn is passed off as healthy – but is far from it. This is because to keep the bag “microwavable,” and to prevent the grease from seeping through, it is lined with perfluorochemicals, such as perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), both which are linked to cancer, infertility, thyroid disease, increased cholesterol and immune system problems. As the bag heats up, these chemicals leach into the popcorn.

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