The Byrds’ song – ‘Turn! Turn! Turn!’ by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall
Thanks for joining us. Today we study a Bible passage encompassed in the lyrics of a 1960’s classic rock song. Could it be, “Ebony and Ivoryliving together in perfect harmony side by side on my piano keyword, oh Lord, why don’t we?” No, because that 1982 song is not the Word of God, but a nice sentiment nonetheless.
The correct answer is The Byrds’ 1965’s hit, “Turn! Turn! Turn!” based on Old Testament verses from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. So here is some ancient 1965 pop culture: The Byrds performing their big hit on the “Ed Sullivan Show.” Ah, a throwback to a world filled with peace and love. Err, not exactly, because “Turn! Turn! Turn!” morphed into a Vietnam War protest song and three decades later, was the soundtrack for the 1960’s Washington, D.C. anti-war demonstration scene in the 1994 movie “Forrest Gump.”
(If you want more “Forrest Gump” and “Turn! Turn! Turn!” check out the entire song with movie footage. Amazingly, I attended the filming of the Lincoln Memorial scene because my friend was an associate producer. And, when Tom Hanks addressed the crowd, I stood next to director Bob Zemeckis as he watched the action. Thanks to you, C.N.)
Now, back to our “show business” Bible study where the Lord shows you His business.
The “Turn! Turn! Turn!” Ecclesiastes’ passage conveys a passive acceptance of the cycle of life lived according to God’s purpose. But, before we read the passage, here is an NIV Study Bible footnote that beautifully explains why these verses resonate in our heart, mind, and soul:
“The Teacher shows that we are subject to times and changes over which we have little or no control, and contrasts this state with God’s eternity and sovereignty. God’s sovereignty predetermines all of life’s activities.”