Amid Russia Chaos, End Times Author Decodes ‘Gog’ and ‘Magog,’ Explains Why Christians Must Understand Prophecy

Amid Russia Chaos, End Times Author Decodes ‘Gog’ and ‘Magog,’ Explains Why Christians Must Understand Prophecy By  for Faith Wire

Author Jeff Kinley has extensively written on the biblical end times, explaining the ins and outs of theories surrounding current events and what he believes the Bible prophesies about the future.

Kinley, who penned “The End of America?: Bible Prophecy and a Country in Crisis” and “As It Was in the Days of Noah: Warnings from Bible Prophecy About the Coming Global Storm,” among more than 30 additional books, recently told Faithwire why he believes Christians need to understand biblical prophecy properly.

Citing the chaos unfolding around the world today, the author said humans live in a “foggy maze” filled with confusion. Understanding “history in advance” can provide hope and a reminder that God is in control.

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“Paul told the Thessalonians in his first letter and his second letter, ‘Look, I want you to know what’s going to happen. I want you to know what’s going on. I want you to have clarity. I want you to have confidence, and I want you to have hope,’” Kinley said. “And it’s very important that we do that because we get many messages that come into believers.”

He continued, “So I just want to point people back to the Word of God and to seek out some trusted guides that could help you kind of navigate this really foggy maze that is the world that we’re living in right now.”

Watch Kinley discuss Gog, Magog, Russia, and the importance of understanding the end times:

The current crisis in Ukraine

Kinley also addressed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as Russia continues its brutal assault to overtake the sovereign nation.

“It’s almost like these geopolitical tectonic plates are shifting all over the world,” Kinley said. “While on the one hand there’s calls for global unity, now we’ve got Russia coming in and, once again, trying to divide the world by invading Ukraine.”

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