Bill Maher Blasts CCP, Western Sellouts Who Kowtow to Chinese Regime – Video by Guy Benson for Town Hall
When the man is right, he’s right — and he’s been right a lot lately, as we’ve highlighted here, here, here, here, here and here. On Friday’s Real Time, Maher absolutely teed off on the Chinese Communist Party while heaping extra scorn upon Americans who’ve caved to the regime in pursuit of wealth. Conservatives have been blasting the NBA, Hollywood and many others over this craven, hypocritical greed for some time. Maher’s monologue doesn’t break much new ground, but it’s noteworthy and satisfying nonetheless. People deserve to be shamed for what they’re doing, and Maher’s fire is scorching and righteous:
The #Olympics pretends to only be about sports, but really the games have always been a bit of a proxy war for which country has the best system. #StopKowtowingChina
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) February 19, 2022
“Perspective matters. China has basically jailed an entire ethnic minority, the Uyghurs, a situation that both the Trump and Biden administrations have called a genocide. America is not close to that. And it’s a cynical dodge to pretend China’s sins should be overlooked because we all do it. No.” … “‘Kowtow’ is a Chinese word but boy, Americans have gotten good at it,” Maher quipped, before knocking Google, claiming the tech giant caves to Chinese censors and strips its “Don’t be evil” clause in order to access China’s markets…Maher played a clip [of actor John] Cena’s appeasing video apology [for calling Taiwan a country] which was spoken in perfect Mandarin, to which Maher reacted, “And I thought steroids shrunk your balls.” …”In the original ‘Top Gun,’ Tom Cruise wore a bomber jacket but the flags of several Asian countries that are our allies sewn on the back. Well, the flag for Taiwan has now magically disappeared for the upcoming ‘Top Gun: Maverick.’ Well, he used to be a maverick. Now he does whatever China says.”…In 2020, NBA players wore jerseys that said ‘Freedom,’ ‘Speak Up,’ and ‘Justice,’ but I guess those things only matter for home games. Sorry, Uyghurs. Someone has to tell me where we got this rule that you can’t criticize China because I suspect we got it from China. Because after all, it’s where we get everything else,” Maher added.
As it happens, the New York Times is also out with a blunt new story about China’s economic influence driving Westerners to muzzle criticisms of the CCP’s egregious human rights abuses. The regime silences, jails and ‘disappears’ critics at home, while using the threat of lost financial opportunity to induce foreigners into self-censorship: