Dr. Duke Pesta tells Alex Newman: Sexual emancipation of children is the next big thing after transgenderism to be “normalized” by the Left

Dr. Duke Pesta tells Alex Newman: Sexual emancipation of children is the next big thing after transgenderism to be “normalized” by the Left by:  for Natural News

GNN Note – For more than a year we have used the moniker “LGBT+P for pedophilia” for a reason. Next up, as soon as the voices quiet down a little over pedophilia they will immediately move to beastiality. Which we have been saying for upwards of a year as well. / END

Freedom Project Academy Director Dr. Duke Pesta told host Alex Newman during the February 11 episode of “The Sentinel Report” that child sexual emancipation is the “next big thing” after transgenderism.

“Here’s what’s coming and I mark my career on this watching these people. The next big thing besides normalizing sex with children is child sexual emancipation. I don’t know if you’ve heard that word before. But we are going to [see] the progressive left try to emancipate children to be allowed to make their own sexual decisions,” said Pesta, host of the “Dr. Duke Show” podcast and a tenured English professor at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.

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“It is the next thing, and you’re going to forget immediately about [transgenderism] when this comes. This is how the Left works.”

Pesta recalled that more than a decade ago, former President Barack Obama gave his support to pro-gay rights and this led to gay marriage. Before Americans started the fight against gay marriage, the issue of transgenderism was already on the scene.

According to Pesta, there is going to be a push for pedophilia in the next two years that people will immediately forget the transgender debate. Authorities will no longer come after the pedophiles when this happens.

He added that the Left, which now controls every aspect of America’s education from preschool to graduate school, has put their focus on the kids by teaching them about radical sexuality in elementary school, teaching techniques of sexuality and telling them sex has a bodily function that has no morality, no trust or love, no marriage attached to it.

Pesta noted that teaching young children about the nature and the process of sex would hinder parents from telling them not to do it.

Florida HB 1557 bans propaganda about sexual orientation and transgenderism in elementary schools

The Freedom Project Academy director also talked about the recent Florida House bill that would ban propaganda and promotion of discussion about sexual orientation and transgenderism in elementary school.

“You mentioned elementary school. There’s a reason we never taught heterosexuality to children at the ages of seven, eight, nine and 10. It was just inappropriate for little kids. They don’t understand it,” Pesta explained.

“Now with the insurgency that we have about trans and LGBTQ rights, they want to make sure that your kids are getting brainwashed as young as possible. So this is very common sense when you look at what Florida did through HB 1557. It’s called the Parental Rights and Education bill.”

He explained that the bill proposes that a “school district may not encourage classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.”

“If you’re going to talk about subjects like abstract sexuality to little kids, you’re not going to be able to argue or reason with them. You’re just going to indoctrinate them,” the tenured university professor said.

Pesta also mentioned that the progressive Left is trying to force gay and transgender issues into schools

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