A Highly Virulent Form Of The Bird Flu Is Starting To Spread Like Wildfire Across Several Eastern States by for End Of The American Dream
I know that this isn’t exactly going to be welcome news to a lot of people, but bird flu appears to be spreading rapidly in several U.S. states. Long before COVID ever came along, bird flu was one of the main threats that global health authorities were concerned about. The good news is that human cases of the bird flu have been fairly rare in recent years, but just like COVID, bird flu has the ability to mutate rapidly. And when humans do catch bird flu, the death rate can be over 50 percent. For now, the outbreak in the United States is limited to birds. It is hitting turkeys, it is hitting chickens, and authorities have informed us that “dozens of wild birds have tested positive along the East Coast in recent weeks”…
Avian flu has now been detected in flocks of birds in Virginia and Kentucky, just days after Indiana officials had to euthanize 29,000 turkeys due to the spread of the virus, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Monday.
Dozens of wild birds have tested positive along the East Coast in recent weeks, including three in the Carolinas last month. Avian flu usually does not cause any symptoms in wild birds, but it can be deadly in domestic poultry.
What this tells us is that the outbreak is not contained.
It is already in multiple states, and authorities have no idea where it originally started.
On Monday, bird flu was detected “in a flock of commercial broiler chickens” in Kentucky…
The Kentucky Department of Agriculture announced Monday a confirmed case of high pathogenic avian influenza — deadly bird flu — in a flock of commercial broiler chickens in Fulton County, with a second suspected case in Webster County.
In neighboring Tennessee, there is a tremendous amount of anxiety about what is happening in Kentucky, because a widespread outbreak of the bird flu in Tennessee could have enormous implications for the entire globe…
Even though no cases of avian flu have been confirmed in Tennessee, the state is keeping a close eye on the situation. Unchecked outbreaks of HPAI have the potential to devastate the state’s commercial poultry industry, as roughly 50% of the chicken consumed globally can be traced back to Tennessee’s primary breeder operations. The state said broiler chickens are one of Tennessee’s top commodities, generating nearly $400 million in cash receipts in the state in 2021.
The price of chicken has already been surging, but if the poultry industry in Tennessee gets hit really hard that will completely change the landscape.
But of even greater concern is the possibility that this bird flu outbreak could jump into humans.
At this point, the CDC is telling us that there have been no confirmed human cases inside the United States so far in 2022…
“Human infections with HPAI A(H5) bird flu viruses are rare but can occur, usually after close contact with infected birds,” according to the CDC. “No human infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses have been detected to date in the United States.”
Needless to say, this could change at any time.
And once bird flu jumps into humans, the death rate can be really high. In fact, it is being reported that more than half of the people that have caught bird flu since 2003 have ended up dying…
Human infection is rare but can occur after close contact with an infected animal. There is no record of Americans contracting highly pathogenic avian flu viruses, but worldwide, 864 people have contracted it since 2003, resulting in 456 deaths, according to the CDC and WHO.