How To Turn Medicinal Weeds Into Infused Oils, Just Like Your Ancestors Did

How To Turn Medicinal Weeds Into Infused Oils, Just Like Your Ancestors Did by: Bethany Hayes for Off the Grid News

Herbs, whether locally found or grown in the garden, carry medicinal and culinary purposes, allowing homesteaders to make teas, tinctures and infused oils from them. But herbs aren’t the only local source.

I enjoy using locally grown “wild” plants for infused oils. Many people brush over foraging, but there are some amazing plants that grow in the world around you. Unfortunately, plants like dandelions and plantains have lost their place in the world. Once you understand their unique properties, though, you’ll find that you can make infused oils from dozens of plants.

These wild plants or “weeds” were used for thousands of years for their properties. It is time to relearn that knowledge.

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What Are Infused Oils?

As you might guess from the name, an infused oil has the essence of another element. In this case, we create infused oils by extracting the active compounds from the plant by steeping them in water, alcohol or oil.

How are Infused Oils Beneficial?

Culinary infused oils are great for cooking. If you infuse oil with basil, the flavor will be more obvious throughout the dish you are creating. In this article, we are aiming to create medicinal infused oils, and those serve different purposes.

The most obvious ways to use infused oils are to create lotions, salves, insect repellants or as a bath oil. For example, calendula is used for sunburns, rashes, inflammation and wounds. You could make an infused oil out of comfrey, which is useful for burns and insect bites.

What Local Plants Can You Use?

Surprisingly, your lawn might be a huge source of plants rich in medicinal properties. Let’s take a look at some plants to try.

  • Plantain: As you walk through your lawn, you might notice patches of plantain. Our family uses plantain infused oils to make anti-inch lotions and salves. Plantain-infused oil soothes the skin from an insect bite or poison ivy rashes. The oil quickens the healing process of minor cuts and bruises.

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