What the Bible Says About Christ’s Burial Shroud by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall
It’s Super Study Sunday! Praise God for the Vol. 100 timing — a heavenly confluence sponsored by God’s universe (Salesforce ad) and those He created (Doritos ad).
This super day requires super thanks to Townhall and loyal readers of all faiths. A special salute to my mighty band of core commenters whose knowledge of The Word enhances each lesson. Finally, hail to the husband for his often thoughtful theological contributions.
Today’s Scripture about Christ’s burial Shroud reflects SignFromGod— the ministry I lead with its board of Shroud experts. Our mission is education about this cloth known as the Shroud of Turin — believed by millions around the globe to be the authentic burial Shroud of Jesus Christ. That explains why a 14.6-foot by 3.5-foot linen cloth lying in a church vault in Turin, Italy, is the world’s most studied artifact since modern science has not determined the source of the cloth’s numerous unexplained mysteries. Those mysteries include photographic-negative properties discovered in 1898 and 3D distance information revealed in the 1970s.
Topping the mystery list is the question: What caused the anatomically correct full-body, front-to-back detailed image of a naked crucified man to form on linen cloth with wounds mirroring specific, unique tortures inflicted upon Jesus as recorded in the Bible?
Thus the reason why the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., is hosting a major high-tech exhibition about the Shroud of Turin, opening February 26 through July 31. (Full disclosure: Starting in 2018, SignFromGod’s board spearheaded this exhibition and is a sponsor of the two opening events.)
I asked Brian Hyland — Museum of the Bible’s associate curator of manuscripts and Shroud exhibition curator — to share his thoughts with Townhall readers. Hyland said:
“Pope St. John Paul II called the Shroud ‘a mirror of the Gospel.’ The image of the man of the Shroud shows a pattern of wounds, bruises, and abrasions that closely matches the description of the passion of Jesus found in the Gospels. To help our guests understand this, we printed the frontal image from the Shroud onto a 3D touch table. Touching a sensor next to a visible wound on the Shroud will play a recorded Gospel verse corresponding to this wound. Most sensors play more than one verse. We recorded 25 verses drawn from the four Gospels.”