Globalists are coming for your cars, your cash, and your bodily integrity, and if they succeed they will own everything and you will be their slave in the coming digitized feudal system

Globalists are coming for your cars, your cash, and your bodily integrity, and if they succeed they will own everything and you will be their slave in the coming digitized feudal system By Leo Hohmann

hat tip / The Burning Platform

‘We are all truckers now’

The worldwide protests going on this weekend are about more than just some truckers upset about vaccines and vaccine mandates.

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The world is on fire. People are rising up to make a stand against tyranny. This is good rising up and confronting evil. People are waking up and sensing the urgency of the hour. When you truly wake up, you don’t shy away from the fight.

No, you run to the front lines, because you realize at this point you have nothing to lose, either live the rest of your life as a vassal of the tyrants, obeying your slave master and getting a new shot whenever he gives the order, or you put your foot down and say, “no, I’m done with you. Get out of my life.”

The vaccine mandates are just the latest, most visible, in-your-face example of how the ruling global elites have rigged the system in their favor. It’s been going on for decades, but the mandates are the most audacious power grab to date.

It’s clear how they see us: We are here to serve them, unquestioningly. The minute we start asking questions and demanding answers about radical new policies that invade our privacy and our dignity, they tell us to shut up and get back in our place on the slave ship. You can see this utter disdain for the common man in their reaction to the trucker convoy.

When they told you that you had to “declare your personal vaccine status” to them by such and such a date and that you had to present proof to them by such and such a date that you’ve been “fully vaccinated” or they take away your job, that was a declaration of war.

When they told you they could deny you medical treatment if you didn’t roll up your sleeve and get their experimental jab, that was a declaration of war.

When they told you they had the right to shut down your small business because it was no longer deemed “essential,” that was a declaration of war.

When they told you that you couldn’t go to church to worship your God, that was a declaration of war.

When they told you that you couldn’t board a plane or a subway, or enter a restaurant unless you showed proof you’ve received their shot, that was a declaration of war.

When they ordered that your six-month-old baby, your toddler or your teenage child must get injected with the secret medical formula or they couldn’t enter school or college, that was a declaration of war.

Wars have been fought over far, far less. And tyrants have lost their heads for demanding less of their people.

You take away someone’s ability to put food on the table under threat of receiving an experimental injection and you have declared war on that person and their family.

This woke people up in Canada. And now people in other countries are also getting a clue where this is heading.

They are becoming aware of just how cocky and cruel these globalist overlords can be.

And if they win this battle, if they walk away from this confrontation the victors, then they will not stop at vaccine mandates and passports.

They will move forward with methodical precision to take away the rest of your rights and freedoms. Say goodbye to the First and Second Amendments, your freedom of movement, assembly, speech and worship.

Because under the technocratic one-world beast system, you have no rights, only privileges granted by your overlords.

Their aim is to own you. Nothing less.

When you own someone as property, you don’t ask their permission to give them an order. You just bark the order and they are expected to jump into action. No questions allowed.

When the Canadian Truckers began their Freedom Convoy two weeks ago, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau immediately branded them a “small fringe minority… holding unacceptable views” who were not worthy of a meeting with him. They were beneath him. Trudeau is a graduate of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program.

When people took up the anti-mandate cause of the trucker convoy in Paris today, Feb. 12, French President Emmanuel Macron, another one of Klaus Schwab’s anointed Young Global Leaders, ordered police to use tear gas against them. He even gassed restaurants with families inside!

Continue Reading / Leo Hohmann >>>

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