25-Year-Old Perry Stone Protege Stirs Up Revival, Hope in Decimated Area of West Virginia

25-Year-Old Perry Stone Protege Stirs Up Revival, Hope in Decimated Area of West Virginia by SHAWN A. AKERSĀ for Charisma News

Nik Walker wants everyone to know that when he encounters sin, he won’t back down in calling it out. But Walker also wants people to know that is not what his ministry is all about.

The 25-year-old evangelist, who has recently made headlines for helping to bring about revival in depressed areas of West Virginia, says he would much rather bring the authentic, genuine message of Jesus to the masses, a message that will give people, including the youth of America, hope for their future instead of the negative narrative fed to them daily by their schools and by culture.

Walker’s humble strategy seems to be working. Sunday will mark the beginning of his fourth week preaching in West Virginiaā€”his home stateā€”and the results have been quite tangible. Hundreds of youth in schools, and others, attending multiple services at Christ Temple Church in Huntington have come to Christ. Many have been baptized into the kingdom in an incredible move of God that is beginning to capture the attention of the nation.

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“I would much rather be preaching about what I am for than what I am against,” says Walker, who was mentored during his youth by Perry Stone, a fellow native of West Virginia and the founder and leader of Perry Stone Ministries in Tennessee. “We preach the same message in schools as we do in church. This generation is looking for something real, authentic, genuine, and that’s Jesus Christ. They want something more than what they’ve been exposed toā€”the calamity, the confusion and chaos of this culture.

“When they come into our meetings, we offer them hope, joy and peace,” he adds. “Kids who are depressed leave our meetings with a smile on their face and peace. They can breathe again. They know their lives have eternal implications, and their hope comes from having a purpose in life. They leave knowing their identity as sons and daughters of God.”

Walker, the leader of Nik Walker Ministries in Cleveland, Tennessee, isn’t naive. He knows we are in the midst of an intense spiritual war for the souls of not only the youth of America but the older generations as well. And he knows there are spiritual forces that are lining up against him and his ministry.

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