Join Intercessors for America in Praying Against Biggest Satanic Conference in by US KRIS KUBAL/INTERCESSORS FOR AMERICA for Charisma News
It is not an understatement to call this a battle of good and evil; it literally is. And on Friday, Feb. 11, satanists from across the world will converge on Scottsdale, Arizona, and, for three days, conduct rituals, services, celebrations and more debauched and evil events. It’s SatanCon from Feb. 11-13. The satanists chose to locate their conference in Scottsdale as a pushback against the city for declining their request to deliver a satanic invocation before the Scottsdale City Council meeting.
The organizers of the satanic conference say that they want people to think of Satan when they think of Scottsdale. But this gathering of satanic followers is more than just payback to Scottsdale. The satanic church, with apparently over half a million members, is involved in civic activities such as pro-abortion lobbying—especially pushing back on the new pro-life legislation and sanctuary cities for the unborn in nearby Texas. The Satanic Temple After-School Satan Clubs meet in elementary and secondary schools across the nation. A new satanic streaming service being introduced will increase the reach of their beliefs, rituals and activities.
The SatanCon event is open also to the public, hoping to entice inquiring minds to open up to the products and activities in the SatanCon Marketplace. Visitors can also participate in the late-night “Impurity Ball” satanic ritual. No doubt there will be many people attending for the sake of spectacle and intrigue, and who may find that their curiosity comes at a price with the demonic activity summoned at an event such as this.
That is why we must pray.
This is not just a prayer request for Scottsdale Christians—or even just Arizona believers. This is a call to pray against this blatant and brazen gathering and the intentions of those who support it. You may remember that several years ago there were satanic gatherings scheduled for many U.S. cities, as well as some international capital locations. With a blanket of prayer, we saw the scheduled gatherings fizzle to paltry numbers and disorganization. God moved!