“If You Don’t Believe Me…Get In Your Car and Go See For Yourself…” (Videos)

“If You Don’t Believe Me…Get In Your Car and Go See For Yourself…” (Videos)

The MSM / legacy media / deadstream media / state run propaganda outlets are all losing what little credibility they had before the #TruckersConvoy that began in Canada. The lies, gas lighting and propaganda that is being spewed across the TV – with the exception of NewsMax and Fox News – is going to drive the handful of viewers away from their NPR, CBS, MSNBC and the like. The filth they are portraying is far from reality that heads are going to roll. Not just the media whores, but the people they are attempting to protect – the Trudeaux’s, the Biden’s, the Macron’s, all the World Economic Forum filth is being exposed, right now. It is by their own hand that their 50 year plan is falling apart right in front of their eyes. Criminals never win. All things that are hidden will be exposed. They are being exposed.

Listen to the calm voice of a rational citizen after driving 11.5 hours to see for himself exactly what is going on in Ottawa.

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“Years later, it turns out, the establishment media was wrong.” Wrong about Iraq, wrong about Libya, wrong about Syria and soon to be wrong about Ukraine / Russia. But yet people, for whatever reason, continue to believe these liars. These people that are directly responsible for the deaths for tens-of-thousands of people. Their lies and their lack of push back against Obama, Clinton, Bush and the others, culminated in the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people. It’s the media.

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