Franklin Graham Says Canadian Truckers ‘A Modern-Day Version’ of Paul Revere by STEVE WARREN/CBN NEWSÂ via Charisma News
The Canadian provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Quebec are moving to lift their COVID restrictions as a convoy of protesting truckers continues to block major roads on the U.S.- Canada border.
Protests over COVID-19 vaccine mandates in Canada are also having an impact on the U.S. as demonstrators block traffic at a main entry point.
A 10-mile backup of trucks is causing 12-hour delays at the Ambassador Bridge, which connects Windsor, Ontario, to Detroit. It’s the busiest international land border in North America with $323 million in goods crossing the bridge daily.
Analysts say the disruption in the supply chain could soon affect America’s auto industry.
The trucker protest against vaccine and other COVID restrictions is also paralyzing parts of Canada’s capital of Ottawa, despite a police crackdown that some have called harsh.
Evangelist Franklin Graham asked his Twitter followers to pray because “FREEDOM” is at stake.
“Pray for our neighbors to the north,” Graham wrote. “Freedom is precious. The issue isn’t primarily masks or vaccines—the issue is FREEDOM, the freedom to make our own choices. These truckers are a modern-day version of Paul Revere, riding against oppression.”
“Who would’ve thought you’d ever be arrested for delivering fuel or food to people in need?” Graham said in a follow-up tweet. “But that’s what’s happening in Canada. You might be arrested for bringing fuel or food to truckers who are a part of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa.”
Ottawa Police Pull Over Elderly Man for Honking Car Horn
Meanwhile, an elderly great-grandfather was arrested by Ottawa Police Sunday after showing his support for a protesting trucker by honking his car horn.
The Toronto Sun reports 78-year-old Gerry Charlebois was arrested and handcuffed by police for sounding his vehicle’s horn.