The Crisis You’re Facing Might Be a ‘Divine Disruption’ by Greg Laurie for Harvest
Let’s admit it: Life can be really hard.
We all go through storms and trials and difficulties in life. We all experience loss and tragedy and suffering. Why are we made to go through hardship? Why can’t we live a life without any disruptions to our peace and happiness?
It’s been said that fruit does not grow on mountaintops, but in valleys—and that’s true in a spiritual sense. God’s endgame for our lives is not to make them problem-free, but to mold us into the image of Jesus—to make us more like Him. One of the ways He accomplishes that is to allow crises in our lives.
Take It from This Family
I’ve been reading through a really helpful book by my friend Tony Evans. Tony lost his wonderful wife Lois not long ago, and he’s written a book about it called Divine Disruption. What makes this book unique is that it is not only authored by Tony, but by his four children as well: Chrystal, Priscilla, Anthony, and Jonathan—all of whom are in ministry and serving the Lord.
Focusing on the difficult departure of their wife/mother, the Evans family talks honestly, candidly, and insightfully about their pain, and how God has used the bad in their circumstances to bring forth good. The subtitle says it all: Holding on to Faith When Life Breaks Your Heart.
There’s one passage from Tony in this book I found particularly resonant:
I would love to tell you that God always swoops down to rescue us from every struggle, but that isn’t true. He does, however, promise to be with us in our troubles. So don’t give up. Catastrophe is the time to run into God’s arms, not away from them.