Good news for those worried and anxious about many things By David Jeremiah, Voices Contributor for Christian Post
The Bible is full of reassurances, promises, and encouragements. One of my favorites is God’s invitation in 1 Peter 5:7. He tells us to cast our problems on Him, for He cares for us. How amazing it is that our Almighty God has the capacity and concern for all our burdens.
To be clear, 1 Peter 5:7 does not tell us to cast some or many of our burdens upon the Lord. The Lord invites us to cast all our cares on Him. All is a very big word. Though only one syllable of three letters, it has no limits in its scope and no cutoff points in its application. All includes the great and the small, the major and the minor adversities we face. The same Lord who handles our bigger problems is intimately concerned about our smaller ones. This is a precious personal promise we can discover in times of adversity.
If you know the Lord, you know the God of small things. He isn’t merely concerned about the massive issues of life. He is a God of the details, and nothing is beyond His scope. The same divine hand that created the Giant Sequoias of California also made the Wolffia, the smallest flowering plant on earth. It’s a perfectly beautiful miniature; five thousand of them can fit into a thimble. Each has one stamen, one pistil, and a lovely but tiny bloom. God designed it almost microscopically.
In the same way, the same God who flung the galaxies through the vastness of space also formed the tiny atom with its protons, neutrons, and electrons. To Him, no problem is large because He is all-powerful and no problem is small because He is all-loving.
In Zechariah 4:10, the exiles who returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple were disheartened because it seemed small and plain compared to the original temple of Solomon, which had been destroyed. But the Lord warned them against despising “the day of small things.” Their work wasn’t small to God, nor was the significance of what they were doing.
If you feel your life is small and your work and influence is insignificant, remember that God delights in small things, and the word “all” in 1 Peter 5:7 includes His concerns about the small problems that vex us.