United We Stand, Divided We Fall: What Will We Lose That We Won’t Lose Anyway?

United We Stand, Divided We Fall: What Will We Lose That We Won’t Lose Anyway? By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

It seems fate would have it no other way: Canadian truckers, specifically, and Canada, in general, has become the spine of the resistance against tyrannical Covid mandates.

The globalists understand their entire totalitarian agenda is at risk and will likely try to derail the resistance movement in Ottawa with tactics ranging from strategic stalling to false flag operations.

The financial elite must break what has become the backbone of the opposition to their Great Reset.

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Currently, the Canadian Trucker Protest is a body without a head. So the situation is fluid. What remains to be seen, however, is if concessions can be obtained from the globalists through sheer will; absent defined leadership and contingency planning.

Of course, the globalists won’t back down easily and, for them to win, they must turn John and Jane Q. Public against the truckers. Consequently, the truckers must remain ever alert for any false flag activity; and, in the event any such treachery is attempted, the best scenario would be to catch the perpetrators in the act.

Conversely, it is possible that Trudeau and the globalists won’t risk deceptive subversion or violence and, instead, make concessions before retreating until the next offensive Covid variant can be launched.

Certainly, the Great Reset is a long-term war and battles will be won and lost on the way towards victory or defeat.

In America, it now appears battles that were won against medical tyranny have acted as pressure release valves, so to speak.  Many red states have moved to ban vaccine mandates and passports via executive orders by governors as well as legislative actions. Additionally, the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling against Creepy Joe Biden’s tyrannical OSHA mandate has surely kept millions of guns locked away safe and secure; at least for now.

Trudeau, on the other hand, has turned Canada into a draconian dystopian volcano, of sorts, that is now blowing its top by means of the Canadian spirit.  And whoever averts their gaze first in this high-stakes staredownloses.

History has shown events like these can take on a life of their own.  Resistance to corrupt government, and, by default, the entire central banking system, now presents a real and present danger to the financial elite – mostly as a challenge to the global Covid narrative. The biggest fear of the globalists is that enough people will wake up.

Will enough people awaken in time to avert their planned digital and financial slavery? Can they?

Regardless, the Canadian Truckers have made their stand and Trudeau has responded. Consider viewing the entire video below. Trudeau remains absolutely defiant while spouting blatant lies.

(hat tip Rob in Nova Scotia)

To summarize, for those too busy to watch the video, Trudeau claimed in his press conference that Canadian protesters were stealing food and dishonoring veterans. He said the racist Canadian Truckers must be stopped while defiantly instructing all Canadians to get vaxxed and to get their children vaxxed.  And, finally, from his apparent exile, Trudeau instructed all Canadians to stand against hateful rhetoric and violence against fellow citizens.

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