Are You Truly Desperate for God’s Presence?

Are You Truly Desperate for God’s Presence? by Pastor Shane Idleman

I recently spoke in El Paso, Texas, at a large Hispanic church called Vino Nuevo. You can watch the message here with translation.

I appreciated the heart of the pastors I had the privilege of meeting. Their eagerness and desire for revival reminded me of the church where I pastor in Southern California, Westside Christian Fellowship.

Terrifying or Welcoming

My topic that evening was Are You Desperate for God’s Presence? As most are aware, God’s presence is terrifying for those facing judgment, but His presence is very welcoming, comforting, strengthening, and encouraging in the life of a believer.

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Throughout Scripture, the word “fire” is used two different ways — the fires of judgment, or the fires of the Spirit. Malachi 4:1-3 is a passage where both are happening: The same fire that falls on that day purifies, refines, and is “healing” for the righteous, but yet the wicked are turned to ashes under their feet.

Isaiah 66:16 says that the “Lord will execute judgment by fire,” while Matthew 3:11 says that Jesus will baptize believers with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

What fire will you experience? Are you playing games with God and just going through the motions? Are you like the prodigal; satisfied temporarily eating with the pigs, or is it time for you to change your direction and run to the Father? 

Do you have religion but not a relationship with the risen Savior? Have you surrendered your life to Christ and repented of sin that leads to judgment?

What a travesty it will be at the end of your journey to find that pride robbed you of the presence of God. Don’t live your life with a question mark here. 

The Desperate Need for Holy Fire

I’ve been saying for years that America’s only hope, our only answer, is to be desperate for more of God and pray that He would fill us with His holy fire. We must cry out like the prophet Isaiah, “Oh, that You would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before You” (64:1).

Oh, that the nations would tremble again at the power of God. Oh, that Washington, D.C. would tremble again and fear Him. Oh, that the churches would once again tremble and desire the power and presence of God. 

When you genuinely experience God’s presence through full surrender, the demonic realm is crushed and countless lives are changed.

It All Begins with Desperation

When God rips heaven open and comes down, His presence changes everything. The Bible comes alive and we can’t stop worshiping. Hearts are set ablaze for more of God. It all begins with DESPERATION! DESPERATION! DESPERATION!

Jeremiah 29:13 reminds us that desperation ushers in the presence of God, and that if we seek God we will find Him when we search for Him with all of our heart. Jesus also speaks about the power of seeking and asking in Matthew 7:7 when He says —“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

A desperate parent does whatever it takes to find a lost child. A desperate soldier does whatever it takes to win the battle. A desperate person does whatever it takes to find God.

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