Examining What The Satanic-Globalist Cult Has Planned Next: The Destruction Of Our Natural Immune Systems By Alan Barton – All News PipeLine
A Couple of weeks ago, Breitbart published a story that has been mumbled about in a variety of news sources that the common cold provides protection against the various corona viruses including the so-called Covid 19 and its variants. This story originated in a journal called Nature Communications where they said “Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 does not universally result in infection and pre-existing T cells, primed by endemic human coronaviruses (huCoVs), might mediate protection in SARS-CoV-2-naive persons” and while that sounds good, most of that article is way over my non-medical background ability to understand. The Breitbart article simplifies it nicely and they conclude that “landmark study led by Imperial College London researchers has found that people who have recovered from the common cold are more likely to avoid being infected with the Chinese coronavirus. People with a higher level of T-cells developed through contracting the common cold, a type of coronavirus, are less likely to fall ill from the SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan virus, a study published in Nature Communications has claimed….We found that high levels of pre-existing T-cells, created by the body when infected with other human coronaviruses like the common cold, can protect against COVID-19 infection…..The findings of the study may explain why children have been more resistant to the Chinese coronavirus, as they are more likely to catch colds throughout the year in comparison to elderly people, who are less likely to come in contact with colds.” OK, now that makes sense to me.
As the fear factor of the C19 farce eases, many around the world are asking for, demonstrating for and even rioting to demand that the tyrannical restrictions to supposedly combat the fear campaign be reduced or completely removed. Even the World Health Organization has recommended that be done when they said to “Lift or ease international traffic bans as they do not provide added value and continue to contribute to the economic and social stress experienced by States Parties. The failure of travel restrictions introduced after the detection and reporting of Omicron variant to limit international spread of Omicron demonstrates the ineffectiveness of such measures over time….
Do NOT require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 for international travel as the only pathway or condition permitting international travel given limited global access and inequitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines…..”
And while the effects of the supposed virus are diminishing, just as seasonal flu and cold seasons always do, the effects of the kill shots are increasing the death rates and serious injuries from the effects at the same time. Kevin Jackson stated it correctly when he said the “impact of the Wuflu scam will be felt for some time. And Leftists haven’t played this hand out to the bitter end.
While their lies about the numbers continue to reveal themselves, more reckoning beckons.”
Yes sir, that is correct, and we must also consider, as he pointed out, insurance anomalies show that “is a stunning amount, particularly in light of revelations about bogus data.
For example the CDC Director’s admission that less than a quarter of deaths associated with Wuflu are actually from Wuflu. 78 percent of the people who died with Wuflu did not die from Wuflu. That is an amazing admission, given all the hype over vaccine mandates.”
That the huge increase in deaths from many other reasons, the fact that it was those “vaccinations” that caused them was not brought out by the CDC at that time. The murder of so many, likely well into the millions by now and perhaps billions by the time the defective natural immune system finishes its inhumane slaughter, we have more to consider. What if some other actually deadly virus (meaning not the fake one of C19) was released to coincide with that intended depletion of the human immune system. That would seem to be a method of making sure mass casualties would amount to closer to the numbers they want to exterminate wouldn’t it? It seems to me the primary purpose of the massive “vax” mandate is to accomplish exactly that; the destruction of the natural God given immune system to meet the satanic cult’s desire for only 500 million world population tops. And we are seeing a few of the possibilities already.
Not to mention that the hospitals are murdering people for profit as we brought out mid last year, and now many more “mainstream alternate news” sites are proclaiming that as well as can be seen in many articles from around the web as shown on a website called Hospital Homocide. I suppose we really started something with those stories over here on ANP, right? We are way ahead of the curve it seems.