Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 Is Now the Longest Truck Convoy on Record at 43 Miles Long! TENS OF THOUSANDS Line Highways to See History

Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 Is Now the Longest Truck Convoy on Record at 43 Miles Long! TENS OF THOUSANDS Line Highways to See History By Jim Hoft for The Gateway Pundit

GNN Note – My prayer and my hope for the U.S. is our truckers join in and begin making their way to Washington DC. We the people need to rally together, make the sacrifice and show the tyrants in Washington DC we are serious about taking our country back and #MakingAmericaGreatAgain. President Trump coined the phrase, but it doesn’t belong to him, it belongs to us, the American people. We need to lock arms with our Canadian brothers and sisters and make a stand for the world to see. / END

The Canadian Freedom Convoy is now the largest and longest trucker convoy on record at 43 miles long!!

According to Benjamin Dichter on FOX News, the spokesman for the Freedom Convoy 2022, the massive convoy is 70 kilometers or 43 miles long! The largest previous truck parade was 5 miles long in Egypt in 2020.

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The convoy from Vancouver is expected to reach Ottawa on Saturday!
Via FOX News.

The Freedom Convoy left from Vancouver for Ottawa on Sunday to protest the federal government’s vaccine mandates for cross-border truckers, which took effect on Jan. 15. The Canadian Trucking Alliance estimates that roughly 15% of truckers in the country are not fully vaccinated, or about 16,000 truck drivers.

This latest video from Canada is REMARKABLE!
The energy behind this movement is MASSIVE.
The elites must be very, very worried.


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