Ben Armstrong: The more you vaccinate, the higher the infection rate

Ben Armstrong: The more you vaccinate, the higher the infection rate By  for Health Freedom

Ben Armstrong’s message during the January 24 episode of his program “The Ben Armstrong Show” is loud and clear: The more you vaccinate, the higher the infection rate.

A study in Canada, according to Armstrong, showed a 40 to 45 percent increase in deaths worldwide where the shots are given. “There are over nine studies showing that the more you vaccinate, the greater the infection rate, and this is like in 145 countries worldwide,” he said.

Armstrong cited data from the United Kingdom showing “the more you vaccinate, the more you damage people’s immune system, and you’re actually making them more likely to get the virus.” He also bemoaned that the real COVID score is being underreported by the mainstream media and social media platforms. (Related: Big Tech censoring key facts about covid vaccine dangers, warns Sharyl Attkisson.)

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But people are beginning to see the truth. Armstrong shared an interview by Steve Bannon featuring Steve Kirsch.

In the interview, Steve Kirsch told Steve Bannon that nobody from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) outside committees has dared to take his offer of a million dollarsjust to sit with him and look a the data he has gathered and analyzed about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Kirsch said that when he analyzed data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting (VAERS), he found that “we had a disaster on our hands of epic proportions.”

He continued: “And because [they are] underreported by a factor of around 40, and that’s using the CDC’s own methodology to determine that underreporting factor, we’re looking at 40 million adverse events after vaccinating 200 million people. That’s an adverse event rate of 20 percent. Now, that’s unprecedented.”

Armstrong noted that Kirsch and his family used to believe Dr. Anthony Fauci and took the vaccine. To prove that more and more people are waking up and getting fed up with the COVID-19 mandates, Armstrong also showed Bari Weiss’ guest appearance on “Real Time with Bill Maher” recently aired on HBO.

Liberals are beginning to see the truth

Weiss, a journalist, writer and editor, told Maher that she’s done with COVID and proceeded to explain why.

“I’m done with COVID. I’m done. I went so hard on COVID,” said Weiss, narrating the things she did to avoid being infected with the dreaded virus. She then took a jab at the COVID vaccines and the failed promises of a return to normalcy.

Weiss said she’s not alone in this view. “I know that so many of my liberal and progressive friends are with me on this. And they do not want to say it out loud because they are scared to be called anti-vax, or to be called science denier or to be smeared as a Trumper.”

Unlike two years ago when the pandemic broke out, data is now available for people to verify facts. “And you will find out that cloth masks do not do anything. You will realize that you can show your vaccine passport at a restaurant and still be asymptomatic and carrying omicron,” she said.

Weiss then warned that the government pandemic’s response “is going to be remembered by the younger generation as a catastrophic moral crime.”

As proof, Weiss cited the case of Flint City, Michigan, which has just announced indefinite virtual schooling, and the 51 percent increase in self-harm among young girls.

Weiss, who also does podcasts, pointed out: “People are killing themselves. They’re anxious, they are depressed, they are lonely. That is why we need to end it.”

The studio audience responded with applause. The video has since gone viral, getting over 552,000 views on YouTube with Weiss drawing praises as well as criticisms. In contrast, the full video of that particular “Ben Armstrong Show” episode has yet to reach 5,000 views. But Armstrong doesn’t mind. He’s just glad that a bigger audience has seen the transformation of Weiss from being an obedient follower to being a truth-seeker.

In fact, Armstrong is urging his viewers to share the Weiss interview, by email preferably.

“Okay, you hear the liberal audience. Clap for truth. That was truth. People are waking up. The reason why I wanted you to see that more than anything is you spreading this stuff. You spreading this show or other information — doesn’t have to be my stuff. You come across articles then you spread it.

“Then you email it. I like people emailing. You got to get back to the old school mass email chain because then they can’t really bring it down. Keep using social media, but email, you can email hundreds of people directly.

“Do that. Spread it whatever way you can, but it does make a difference. It does. We are waking people up. Now. think of it this way: Are more people starting to think ‘yeah, the vaccine works even better?’ Are people starting to become more pro-vaccine? No. They’re waking up, folks. They are.”

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