Abortion Survivor Josiah Presley Shares His Powerful Story (Video)

Abortion Survivor Josiah Presley Shares His Powerful Story Video from Live Action

Violently attacked by an abortionist while a baby in the womb, Josiah Presley lost most of one of his arms. Thankfully he survived the abortion and is here with our founder Lila Rose to tell his powerful story of trauma, adoption, forgiveness, and resiliency as he fights for life:

“I had survived something that pretty much everyone else doesn’t survive. I was supposed to be dead by the doctor’s hand, but I was still alive… I can’t get up one day and look in the mirror and say ‘no that didn’t happen.’

But I can get up and I can say ‘Hey, that’s part of my past but here’s the thing. That’s not my future. That’s not what defines me. I’m not defined by my shortcomings. I’m not defined by what I think I will accomplish – what I won’t accomplish. I’m defined by the God of the universe and my relationship with him through His Son. My identity is not wrapped up in my deformity, my identity is wrapped up in my Savior.'”

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