Why are they Killing us? by tr4head via worldlyturnings.blog/blog for the Burning Platform
I have been hesitant to write this because when you think you might have a reasonable answer as to why many billions of people could be murdered by a select few technocrats, bankers and politicians, you tend to convince yourself that the hypothesis of mass murder is true. And that scares the crap out of me. But, I felt it was time to publish this conspiracy article because nobody as of yet has talked much about the why to it all? To defend against a common enemy you need to know not only who the enemy is, what they are doing but why they are doing it. Knowing why will also help define a possible solution.
There are serious questions on the very existence of Sars 2 Coronavirus. Well into the Pandemic the CDC has presented limited proof that they have actually isolated the virus. What appears to be a small danger to our physical health, and a big danger to our mental health, is not a new virus per se but “spike proteins” that were engineered as a result of a gain of function Fauci/Daszak experiment to create a highly contagious bio weapon transmitter. The spike protein contagion is referred to as a “virus” and is also an active pathogen contained inside the emergency use vaccinations that were rolled out in December 2020. It is part of a 2-pack punch Bioweapon designed for depopulation: the “disease” and the “cure”.
There was no serious illness on the order of Ebola (50% mortality) requiring worldwide vaccination. Or, that we be issued health status passports to live normal lives. But the media has convinced billions of people worldwide that they will die from a bad cold of flu if they are not mRNA vaccinated. The vaxxed sheep susceptible to “fake news” now appear to be a grave risk to themselves by creating their own never ending toxins as well as the unvaccinated due to the shedding of spike proteins to others.
The media’s dreaded non-lethal disease for almost 99% of the infected (especially for people in Africa) has been the focus of our daily news for nearly two years in order to get people to the vaccination goalpost. People, especially the elderly or people with severe health issues, can just as easily be killed by influenza or even the cold, which the spike protein symptoms are similar. Is this all just depopulation or a creation of transhumans via a novel vaccine for a not so novel coronavirus disease that has always made people sick? If this is a mind game on the global masses it must have evil intent. Something is deadly, but it was never a new high mortality Bioweapon, unless there is a Round 2. It’s the vaccination.
Headlines that Never Happened
Let’s start down this road and replay just a few of the latest “Conspiracy” headlines that should have killed the Covid story outright but has not been reported or even investigated other than by fake 3rd party “fact check” sites by the Atheists running the Mainstream Media in America:
- No Covid virus sample was available to develop the CDC PCR test telling us we had Covid. PCR samples for Sars 2 Coronavirus were manufactured to simulate what “experts” thought the virus genome would be based on similar coronaviruses.
- The CDC issues early guidance to government medical examiners in each state to identify Sars 2 Coronavirus as the underlying cause of death when other co morbidities are present.
- CDC Reported in August of 2020 only 6% of Covid Deaths are from Covid only As of January 13, 2021 there are only 52,000 Covid only deaths. This is over two flu seasons, much less than a typical flu season in America with 37,000 deaths annually.
- Emergency use mRNA vaccines cause microclots in small capillaries inside the lung that can cause pulmonary hypertension in a majority of vaccinated people .
- Cancer diagnoses in the highly vaccinated Military (virtually no exemptions) are exploding after rollout of vaccinations across all branches by the Biden Administration.
- The Government is killing people by not allowing conventional treatments for early Covid infection . Over the counter treatments are demonstrably successful in treating early and moderate symptoms of Covid 19.
- Hospitals are killing people with late stage reactions to Covid 19. Hospitals cause deaths with Remdesivir that destroys kidney function, especially when combined with high pressure Oxygen in a ventilator. Maximizing “Covid Deaths” caused by other factors make emergency-use vaccines more acceptable to the public.
- VAERS underreports Covid mRNA “Vaccine” deaths by more than 90% . The “vaccine” is indisputably the most dangerous vaccine in medical history by a huge margin yet people like Governor Abbott (TX) says mRNA vaccines are safe.
- FDA approves mRNA vaccines for young children 5-11 years old stating that benefits outweighs risks. But how can benefits outweigh nearly zero risks?
- Graphene Oxide/Hydroxide (and other pathogenic contaminants like Tromethamine) never before used in vaccines is in Pfizer and other mRNA vaccines and may be activated electrically on 5G network frequencies .
- Pfizer executive believes mRNA Vaccines are designed for global depopulation .
- The “not fully vaccinated tm ” will not be allowed to participate in Society. Some may be put in CDC “Green” Zone Camps for “humanitarian” reasons .
We are inundated with enough uncensored data from much more qualified sources than the FDA/CDC that, even if 50% true, would indicate something very sinister is going on to depopulate the planet. What conclusion can a rational human being come to? Is it just money for Big Pharma? No. It’s much more than that.