Kingdom Unity That Leads to 1.6 Billion People Reached for Christ LEILANI HAYWOOD/CHRISTIAN NEWSWIRE via Charisma News
The GO Coalition has been formed to help reach every person for Christ in this decade.
On Jan. 10, international leaders from denominations, ministries, prayer movements and networks met to find ways to cooperate better to accelerate worldwide evangelism. “We want to reach every person with the gospel and believe that only in unity can that goal be achieved,” said Werner Nachtigal, International President of the GO Movement.
“The partners of this coalition are reaching 1.6 billion people and seeing over 100 million indicating salvation decisions per year. God is moving in amazing ways,” Nachtigal added. “We believe that if leaders in the Body of Christ trust God together, the fulfillment of the Great Commission is within our grasp.”
Leaders from the Baptist World Alliance, Christian Vision, Campus Crusade for Christ/Cru, The Jesus Film, Evangelism Explosion, Every Home for Christ, Finishing the Task, Global Alliance for Church Multiplication, Global Evangelist Alliance / Empowered 21, Global Kingdom Partnership Network, Global Media Outreach, Global Youth Movement, International Prayer Connect, The Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America, RUN Ministries, The Prayer Covenant, World Evangelical Alliance, Youth With A Mission and others are in this together.