‘They Found Another Way To Get A Plague Into America, Accidentally, On Purpose’ By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline
With ‘Patient Zero’ Identified, What Do You Want To Bet That Truck Was Headed Straight To One Of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Secret Labs, Where The ‘Embolus Variant’ Is Being Cooked Up?
While most Americans are now aware of the recent truck crash in Pennsylvania that left several lab monkeys briefly running free off of State Route 54 in Danville, PA, about 130 miles northwest of Philadelphia, that story took a turn for the worse when we learned that a driver who stopped to help made the huge mistake of putting her hand inside one of the cages, with the driver claiming she now has a cough and pink eye and is ‘feeling ill’ after one of the macaques actually ‘hissed‘ in her face.
Sounding to us, and apparently many others, like a scenario straight out of the movies “12 Monkeys” and “Contagion”, the commenters on that Daily Mail story hit the nail on the head, with the top-voted comment on the story stating simply: “There she is, Patient Zero”.
And three of the top-voted replies to that comment also warned of a scenario that seemed to spring straight from those sci-fi/horror movies, with one pointing straight back to, you guessed it, Dr. Anthony Fauci!
ForUSAFirst: Guess we’ll soon find out just what those lab specimens were carrying to the US.
Snarkleton: This shipment was on its way to Fauci’s secret COVID farm where the ‘Embolus variant’ is being cooked up.
AyeeeCarumba: The Spread… has already begun. Soon, that viral cocktail she absorbed will spread to others, as designed to. All the while she was living her life, and being “the spreader”, before any symptoms began, that cocktail will escape to the planet… exponentially. Patient 87, could already be on an airplane, now, or… yesterday!
Just check out this brief description of the 1995 movie “Outbreak” at IMDB.
Army doctors struggle to find a cure for a deadly virus spreading throughout a California town that was brought to America by an African monkey.

Forcing survivors to live underground, the virus was actually released by an insane Doctor who at the ‘end’ of the time-traveling science fiction movie had embarked on a tour of several cities that matched up perfectly with the origin locations of the viral outbreaks in the future that followed/came before.
So while we’ll all hope that Michelle Fallon recovers from whatever is ailing her after she developed a cough and pink-eye the day after the truck crash that allowed several monkeys to briefly escape, several of the other top-voted comments on that Daily Mail storydropped bombshell opinions as well.:
Cloudy: Had to find a way to get another plague into this country…accidentally, on purpose.
WilliamMathew: Experiments on animals are grotesque. Humans are the most savage species on this planet.
TellMeNowOrNever: There goes COVID 20-21 and 22, all together
OrganicGirl51: Still poking, prodding, and torturing, animals, for what?
With another one of the top-voted comments on that story pointing out “Monkeys are intelligent and emotional beings, this is so cruel”, we’d argue here that it’s not just ‘monkeys‘ that those ‘cruel folks‘ are ‘experimenting upon‘ now, with ‘the jab‘ looking more and more like nothing less than a deadly witches brew.

And with Fox News reporting 2 weeks ago on January 11th in this story titled “Fauci’s NIH funded cruel research on monkeys that eighth-grader could determine was bogus: PETA VP” that the NIH who wrote that letter to 1st responders did indeed pour $100’s of thousands of dollars into medical research using monkeys, PETA discovered: “the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases spent more than 200 grand on a proposed experiment that would ‘subject real male rhesus monkeys to feminizing hormone therapy to see whether that makes them more susceptible to HIV to help transgender women.”