Are the so-called sky trumpets people have been reporting a sign of the end times? from Compelling Truth
People around the world have been reporting hearing hums, musical blasts, horns, or other trumpet-like sounds from the sky or even from the earth itself. Reports from the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, Russia, Australia, the Czech Republic, and other places describe a unique sound with groaning qualities interspersed with metallic, vibrating, musical-like qualities. Some report hearing sorts of voices that can’t be understood.
Are these sounds man-made, natural, or supernatural? A few theories have surfaced.
First, some believe the sounds are caused by solar plasma and the magnetic field of the earth interacting, or the movement of tectonic plates. Some say it is the sound of the earth’s north magnetic pole shifting. If these are accurate sources of the sounds, why weren’t they reported before March 2011?
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Maybe these sounds are from aliens visiting the earth. Some say these sounds are pranks. Videos posted online broadcasting the sounds can be easily reproduced complete with astounded onlookers. Others dismiss the supernatural possibilities by tracing the sounds to industry or military sources, including the HAARP and Project Blue Beam theories. Some say a government or group of nations is altering the weather, using micro-waves, or trying to create similar conditions to the return of Jesus.
But, could it be these sky trumpets have a supernatural or spiritual origin? While some believe these sounds are God’s way of warning us the end days are coming, others believe Satan is generating them to scare us.
Heavenly trumpets do exist and God has employed them in the past and has designs to use them again. In Exodus 19:16, a loud trumpet blast accompanied God’s presence on Mt. Sinai when He gave the Law. This sound grew in intensity (verse 19).