Steve Kirsch’ Pandemic Response Testimony for Senate hearing Jan 24, 2022

Steve Kirsch’ Pandemic Response Testimony for Senate hearing Jan 24, 2022 by Steve Kirsch

Ron Johnson invited me to speak at a meeting concerning the pandemic response. Here is a summary of my introductory remarks. Let me know if I missed anything big.

The pandemic response has been a disaster. Had the NIH simply responded to George Fareed and Bryan Tyson who had developed an effective early treatment protocol for COVID, this pandemic would be a complete non-event. The CDC could have simply advised doctors to prescribe the protocol for anyone with COVID symptoms.

Instead, the complete range of early treatment drugs were ignored and even worse, the FDA, AMA, and drug companies conspired to make life-saving drugs such as ivermectin difficult to obtain and nearly impossible to obtain in an in-patient setting.

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Our federal and state governments made many errors:

  1. promoted a vaccine that was more likely to kill people than save them
  2. promoted the use of masks which randomized trials show do nothing beneficial
  3. used mandates to encourage compliance with 1 and 2
  4. enlisted the aid of social media and big tech companies to censor and discredit anyone who spoke out against the narrative
  5. threatened doctors with losing their license if they didn’t comply with the narrative
  6. blindly followed whatever the CDC said without question. All critical thinking skills were disabled.

Here are the five most important changes to make:

  1. End all mandates for everyone. This is America for gosh sakes. It’s fine to give advice but people should be free to make their own choices.
  2. Educate people and doctors on the benefits of early treatment and publicize the most successful early treatment protocols
  3. Allow doctors and nurses to speak freely without fear of retribution
  4. End the liability protection of the vaccine manufacturers
  5. Get rid of the incompetent corrupt people at the CDC, FDA, and NIH especially Tony Fauci and Cliff Lane. There needs to be a major house cleaning at these agencies. The lying and deception must stop.

Here are some additional changes that we should make:

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