Prime age mortality SPIKED by 50% across multiple states during the year of the “life-saving” covid-19 vaccine by: Lance D Johnson for Natural News
Throughout 2021, people aged 18-49 passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, at rates far beyond years past. In fact, almost every state reported a spike in prime age mortality during the year of the life-saving covid-19 vaccine. Some state-wide mortality increases were greater than 50 percent! Contrary to popular hysteria, covid-19-related deaths were only one small part of these excess mortality statistics.
These mortality rates are shocking and unprecedented, considering the fact that governments and corporations have been spending tremendous amounts of capital and resources to “keep people safe.” Never before have public health officials been given so much power and influence over people’s lives, yet they have failed to improve human health on multiple accounts. Nothing from the government is working, and the problems of infectious disease, drug overdose, and medical malpractice continue to plague humanity.
Operation Warp Speed brought about a false savior that sped up the depopulation
Even with the lifesaving promise of vaccines, masks and lockdowns, the prime age mortality rate increased throughout 2021, rising as high as 60 percent in some states. For the twelve-month period ending in October 2021, mortality rates for people (ages 18 to 49) increased by an average of 40 percent across the United States. This sudden increase in prime age mortality is compared to the same time period in 2018–2019, when destructive lockdowns, masks and forced experiments did not exist.
Much of the excess death is due to the effects of experimental vaccines, lockdowns, mental health issues and the societal breakdown caused by totalitarian government policies. For one, drug overdoses are at record highs. According to CDC estimates, there were roughly 29,000 more drug overdose deaths from July 2020 to June 2021, than there were during the same tenure in 2018-2019. Also, vaccine injuries and deaths are being reported more than any time in the history of vaccination, with over one million medical reports coming into the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.
In the year 2020, Operation Warp Speed gave life to a brand-new savior. This “modern miracle of science” promised to save the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Most of the industrialized world locked down and imposed bodily restrictions in anticipation of this breakthrough mRNA technology. Most governments told their people that they would only get their freedoms and livelihoods back if they submitted their bodies to these injections of gene-altering spike proteins. After a year of getting “shots in arms” and after 2021 came to a close, it became clear that this vaccine was a false savior — a tool of sickness, suffering, control and worldwide depopulation.
Prime age mortality is surging in almost every state
Out of all the states, Nevada suffered the most, with prime age mortality surging by 65 percent. Roughly 36 percent of that total was attributed to covid-19-related deaths. The excess deaths did not discriminate between Democrat or Republican-led states, suggesting that the new medical interventions that year (covid vaccines) were likely the greatest driving factor for increased mortality. For instance, open states like Texas and Florida saw spikes in excess mortality (51 percent and 61 percent, respectively), right along with locked down states such as California, which witnessed a similar prime age mortality surge of 55 percent.
The majority of the excess deaths were NOT caused by covid-19 or any diagnosis related to covid-19. In fact, covid-19-related deaths did not add up to 60 percent of the excess deaths in any given state. This is surprising, considering that the CDC and the hospital systems often lump covid-19, pneumonia and influenza into the same category, driving up the number of people who ‘died with’ covid-19. While these deaths should not be trivialized, they were only a small part of the total number of excess deaths in the 18-49 age group.
Conversely, covid-19 was on the death certificate for roughly four out of five people in the 50 to 84 age group. Mortality rates went up by 27 percent for this age group in 2021, representing more than 470,000 excess deaths. These covid-19 deaths included people who were unvaccinated and many who were vaccinated multiple times for the infection.