Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: MARCH ON MODERNA for #TruthFreedomHealth Video
The movement for #TruthFreedomHealth’s March on Moderna educates us on the REAL ENEMY and the FAKE FIGHTERS. Next week on January 22, 2022, 12 noon: March on BIG PHARMA.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, world-renowned engineer, scientist, educator, entrepreneur, activist, and author, is a Fulbright Scholar, Westinghouse Science Honors Awardee, Nominee for the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, who has published in major peer-reviewed journals such as IEEE, Nature Neuroscience, CELL’s Biophysical Journal.
Dr.SHIVA is dedicated to educating world on the Science of Systems that is Beyond Black & White, Beyond Left and Right, so Working People Unite for Truth Freedom Health. Only a Systems Science Approach can provide a comprehensive method to understand connections among the parts of any system to elicit the science of all systems to reveal these three principles:
1) interconnection of Truth Freedom Heath;
2) why a bottom’s up decentralized movement is necessary win #TruthFreedomHealth; and,
3) the insidious not-so-obvious-establishment which is the eternal disturbance to winning #TruthFreedomHealth.