Woke university lecturer calls students ‘vectors of disease,’ tells them not to come to class

Woke university lecturer calls students ‘vectors of disease,’ tells them not to come to class by AshleySadler for Life Site News

ENN Note – This “professor” is the reason our children and young adults between the ages of 25-35 are so out of balance. The poison this man has been shoving down the throats of our children has made them crazy.

The good professor cusses a lot – uses language that is embarrassing to most adults over age 40 and he is 74. So, you have been warned. / END

In an unhinged rant, professor Barry Mehler called students ‘selfish’ and told them ‘there is no benefit whatsoever to coming to class.’

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What should have been an ordinary beginning-of-the-semester introduction video for a class at a Michigan university went viral after the professor appeared on screen in a full helmet and medical mask before launching into a vulgar rant in which he called students “vectors of disease.”

“Listen up, folks, I’m old enough to be your grandpa and you people are vectors of disease to me,” Professor Barry Mehler, 74, told students after pulling off his NASA-like $300 helmet and N95 mask in a video posted January 9.

“So, when I look out at a classroom filled with 50 students, I see 50 selfish kids who don’t give a s*** whether grandpa lives or dies,” added Mehler, who is a history professor at Ferris State University in Michigan and founder and director of the school’s Institute for the Study of Academic Racism.

“There is no benefit whatsoever to coming to class,” Mehler continued in the 14-minute video,  which has racked up over a quarter of a million views since Sunday — explaining that his class can be fully conducted online.

While Ferris State University does not require students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend in-person classes, it does mandate that students wear face masks indoors regardless of vaccination status.

GNN Note – Lots of very, very foul language in the video. / END

The university’s policy does not appear to be strict enough for Mehler, who told students during his video diatribe that if they decide to come to class after all, he will not be taking their questions since he will be “wearing this f***ing helmet in order to stay alive.” 

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