‘God Didn’t Create You to Be That Way’: Promise Keepers Leader Denounces Pornography Use

‘God Didn’t Create You to Be That Way’: Promise Keepers Leader Denounces Pornography Use By  for Faith Wire

The leader of the men’s ministry Promise Keepers said this week people should be “running in terror” from their sinful inclinations — particularly the temptation of pornography — “because it will separate us from God, from our kids, from our wives.”

During the start of the 2022 Promise Keepers Marriage Summit, ministry chair and CEO Ken Harrison recalled hearing from a group of guys who told him they “couldn’t help themselves” when it came to pornography use because “God created them that way,” referring to a heightened desire for sex.

“I said, ‘no, no, no,’” Harrison remembered. “God didn’t create you to be that way. God created you to have an intense longing for your wife, for the two to become one flesh. Sin created that same longing for every other woman.”

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“The Bible says we must flee from sin; it’s an action,” he continued. “It’s a running in terror from it because it will separate us from God, from our kids, from our wives.”

Often, Harrison explained, men believe the lie that they are beholden to their sexual desires as if they exist outside a man’s purview and are unable to be reined in.

That, though, is not what Scripture says about our sinful desires. Once a person becomes a believer, he or she is “no longer enslaved to sin” (Romans 6:6).

“The Bible didn’t tell you to flee from lustful desires when it couldn’t actually happen,” Harrison said, referring to 1 Corinthians 6:18, in which the Apostle Paul urged believers in Corinth to “flee from sexual immorality.” “You can’t get there in your flesh, you can’t get there by trying harder, you can’t get there by feeling guilty, but you can get there by giving your life over to Christ.”

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