7 Delicious Foods That Fight High Blood Pressure

7 Delicious Foods That Fight High Blood Pressure by: Robin Marri Miller for Off the Grid News

According to the CDC, 75 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure, which brings with it an increase of strokes and heart disease.

Eating certain foods, though, can help to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

Eating foods high in calcium, potassium and magnesium can cut your risk of heart attack nearly in half. Try eating these foods – all of which you can grow yourself:

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1. White beans

White beans are super-high in magnesium and potassium. In fact, one cup of white beans contains the RDA of 30 percent magnesium, 24 percent potassium and 13 percent calcium.

Furthermore, white beans are an excellent source of meatless protein, and it’s a good way for vegetarians not only to get their intake of minerals, but protein, as well. Try eating them in soups, salads and as side dishes.

Choose no-salt or low-sodium white beans. It’s best to cook your own; an easy way to do this is to use a slow cooker.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is a good source of all three minerals and even can be cooked to receive the benefits. One cup of cooked broccoli contains the RDA of 14 percent potassium, 8 percent magnesium and 6 percent calcium.

3. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes make for a yummy side dish with any meal. In addition, you will get 15 percent of the RDA of potassium, 8 percent magnesium and 4 percent calcium (with the skins). Without the skins, they provide the RDA of 10 percent potassium, 7 percent magnesium and 4 percent calcium.

Have you ever considered adding a cooked sweet potato to your favorite smoothie? If not, they make a delicious addition. Bake several potatoes at a time.

4. Bananas

Everyone knows that bananas are a good source of potassium. In fact, one banana contains the RDA of 12 percent of potassium. However, did you know that it also contains 8 percent magnesium?

Banana skins can turn brown quickly, but don’t toss them out! It is perfectly fine to use browned-skinned bananas in smoothies or for cooking.

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