Pay Careful Attention, Because The ‘Color Revolution’ In Kazakhstan Has Earth-Shattering Implications For The U.S.

Pay Careful Attention, Because The ‘Color Revolution’ In Kazakhstan Has Earth-Shattering Implications For The U.S. by  for End of the American Dream

I was going to write about something else today, but I feel that I must address the situation in Kazakhstan.  It is just so important.  Sadly, the vast majority of Americans couldn’t care less about Kazakhstan and wouldn’t have a prayer of identifying it on an unmarked map of the world.  But the truth is that we need to be paying very close attention to Kazakhstan, because the drama that is currently playing out over there is moving us a lot closer to World War III.  Russia and China have both accused western powers of stirring up a “color revolution” in an attempt to violently overthrow the pro-Russian government of Kazakhstan.  Of course the corporate media in the western world is carefully avoiding using the phrase “color revolution” to describe the rioting, and they are painting the entire episode as an organic uprising against an oppressive government.  You can believe that if you want, but veterans of prior color revolutions have already admitted that they were involved.

In 2014, western powers successfully used a “color revolution” to violently overthrow the pro-Russian government of Ukraine.  When I first heard about the rioting in Kazakhstan, I immediately suspected that western powers were going back to the same old playbook.

But if you only rely on the corporate media for your news, you would really have no idea what is actually going on over there.

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Fortunately, there are some independent voices that really get it.  For example, the following comes from an excellent piece by Clint Ehrlich

The more that it appears the West is pursuing similar revolutions in former Soviet republics, the more aggressively Russia will push back.

In America, the situation in Kazakhstan is a small news item.

In Moscow, it is currently receiving 24/7 news coverage, like it’s an apocalyptic threat to Russia’s security.

I’ve had the TV on here while writing this thread, and Kazakhstan has been on the entire time.

He really nailed it.

This is all they are talking about in Russia, because the Russians realize that this truly is an existential threat to their national security.

And the more the Russians feel threatened, the closer we get to military conflict between our two nations.

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